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About the Author: Fantasy Football


  1. It looks like there could be some inter dimensional zoning issues. Building stadiums on other dimensional jogging paths could cause issues with the game, and who wants to jog through a crowd?

  2. Ok, boys and girls, it's time you learn what's really happening…
    These important games have not just cameras on the field, but also versatile software for real-time edit on the control room (where a director decides what footage is transmitted, from the available cameras). One of the options they have is "figure blurring", mostly used to avoid exposure of naked streakers. That option can be activated manually or it could be set to go everytime the software finds any (suspicious) foreign figure that souldn't be moving where it is. The proof of what i'm saying is that sometimes the sofware only does parcial blurring, and so you can search on youtube for naked streakers with a head but no body! Certainly you're not gonna tell me those are also ghosts, right!?

  3. 1 fake
    2 real, it’s literally just a dude running it just looks weird cause of the camera but who knows
    3 lol fake
    4 that’s just a camera glitch dude
    5 the ball hit the pole are you seriously that dumb? Picture they show later is fake asf
    6 fake, photoshop

  4. I love how in the second video the commenter is saying in Spanish that it looks like a ghost but is a real person , but the person who uploaded this video don't know Spanish or hope that nobody will understand what they say so people keep thinking is a ghost ???,besides all the rest are fakes or just people with no good definition because the camera is so far away

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