In this top 5 ghost videos countdown, we take a look at 5 haunted locations and supposedly real ghost encounters that were caught on tape there.
Everything from haunted houses to a scary hotel and creepy hospitals.
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Ghosts Caught On Tape? 5 Scary Ghost Videos
That last video was hilarious… Dude screamed like a woman… LoL
"I have no fear of you!" Slightest little noise … Runs screaming like a child!
5 min later
"We have no fear of you."
I love ghost adventures
These assholes go looking for "ghosts". When they apparently find them, they scream like bitches and run away. Who's paying you guys?
Bruh…… I cant wait till I die coze if I become ghost I will have so much fun with those guys.
The last 1 is a famous meme..lmao
Zak Beggans: We have no fear of you
Ghost: Throws brick
Zak: Ghost what are you doing? Staahp!
Well if you ask me the guy in the back at 2:57 is looking possesed as hell
#3 zak said him and nick were so scared they left thru the fire escape
so i just read the comments and almost every one is the same shit over and over again! and for those of yo that cover most of what your saying behind "read more" boy havent seen that before you bunch of slaves no one reads the rest of your comment cuz just another pop culture slave!
I knew very little rather nil except of the commodity Winchester manufactures. Benefited to have an extra insight to the history of Winchester.
Perhaps my eyesight is below average not to locate the shadow infront of the incendiary.
It is him!!
Is the last video the dude from the fast and the furious???
?? don’t be a pussy you fuckin faggot ghosthunter….???? you scream like a girl stupid….????
OMG that last one almost made me pee from laughing heh thanks man love your nuke's top 5 it is great
sarcastically did everyone see the brick one?
Edit: that last guy was a pansy
Were there ever reports if a specific winchester rifle or any firearm that was haunted? Iv heard of haunted swords and im curious now
I have no fear
last clip is from a movie.. (just cant think of it right this second) lol
we have no fear of you
ghost: Im gonna end this man’s career
Those ghosts Hunter girls, sounded like bitches
Hoomens:we have absolutely no fear of you…5:00
Amityville Haunting was FAKED. They proved it to be faked
ghost on number 3: Yeets a brick
"We have no fear of you"
Ghost: Yeeeet!
"Aaaahhhhhh stooooop!
"Give us a sign"
[Ghost gives them a sign.]
The fuck did you expect? them to bake a fucking cake or something?
God ur life must suck if you have to believe this shit is real
Zac Bagans “We are absolutely not scared of you!” Slight noise… and he’s screaming like a girl. Lol
Dude, these fucking paranormal investigators are such pussies lmao I get it. It's just you're trying to actually find evidence of the paranormal, and when something happens, you piss your pants and scream like a child. Come on lol
9:13 The ghost of Johnny Tran tryna collect the Jetta from jesse
@ 9:50
Is that Jesse from the fast and the furious?
Oh, I've heard of the Winchester house, but there was never any mention about the haunting.
At 5:24 you can see a wire please day if you run that in slow motion between 5:23 and 5:25 you'll see it silver wire going straight up to the ceiling
What happened to Chad?
#1 was way over dramatized n looked like it was just for tv
Wasn't that the dude that drove the VW Jetta in the 1st fast and the furious movie!?!
[1:25] Maybe it's due to the brightness setting of my computer screen, but I can't see jack shit there.
hahah… some of these guys shouldn't be hunting ghost if they are just going flip out like that, might end up being the next ghost to haunt the place
Those last 2 clips were corny. But even worse than that is everyone repeating the same shit in the comments.
This guy "Zack?" in "Ghost adventure." @5:02 ??He just got what he deserved. The Show would have been better of without him.
Here's my problem with "ghost hunters" and these shows: every episode involves them looking for "ghosts" and at the first sign of something unexplainable (if they aren't faking it for ratings) they start screaming and wetting themselves. Either find a new line of work or man up. It's really irritating and what's more unbelievable is that people watch these shows more than something interesting.
PS- Love your channel!!! My dad and I binge-watch your videos. (He believes in the paranormal- I don't unless I can experience it and not find an explanation for it)
"we have no fear of you…" …. yeah.
Right. ok
5:29 a face appears bottom middle it's the light from the flashlight very clearly
Everyone's gangsta till the brick starts flying
5:10 He is the opposite of the Arab guy ??
😀 The guy in the last video has to be the worst actor I've ever seen, Tommy Wiseu NOT excluded.
The Lutz family came forward years ago and said they made up everything for money. I thought everyone knew this. :/