Creepy grudge girl is back!
Watch The Sacred Riana as she invokes a ghostly spirit to the stage and scares Mel B on America’s Got Talent 2018. What did you think of her terrifying audition?? Let us know in the comments below…
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u can see that the photo is edited. bob's stomamach was over mel b's shoulders
Why are you scared Mel. You manifested that. Scary spice? ??
I was scared when she dropped the doll 0-0 Im not gonna be able to sleep tonight
That girl is so creepy cuz I like that girl cuz you're so creepy
Me: insert toad screaming 10 hours earrape here
This is awesome ?? she's got a great poker face not busting out laughing at this idiots.
I love sacred riana!
Riana is not evil she is magician
I don't know but I didn't find that scaring or something like that
Halloween night must be great in her area. Just hand over the dam candy ?
This all are fake
Even we can also do this
What is the girl with purple lipstick called?
So did she passed??
Why people get scared of this stupid act? I would kick her out of the show period!
O. My. God shes back. Again
If I was a judge…..
I’m coming for ya golden buzzer
I am from the nederlands so i speak nou nederlands ik denk riana doet die buzzer ik schrok me dood dood betekent dead
Someone actually scared Scary Spice.??
I'm scared to death☠️
omg that was so scary
Where is rezultat? Is sad for she… ?
Có đạo hữu nào là người việt nam không.
Yaas im from indo just like her! But thats pretty freaky dude..
I jumped when Simon pushed the buzzer. I was on the toilet!
Buzzer ???
My heart is pounding hard right now
It was funny when simon was doing the cross with his hand like if u agree
She should pick Simon he’s always so curious
riana from indonesaian
I saw howie spirits out
She improve a lot after becomes a winner (Asia Got Talent 2017)? I hope she can make anggun scared again?
Wow… that me ..?!!!
Love u
Lol….. I am back ..!!! Gods Queen ..!! Who cares what colors of hair I have …!!!
Is that camera high modified one?
I cringed so hard!
Simon wtf man screw u u scard the s out a me
I would run screaming help if i was mel b and i would punch someone in the face if they messed with me when i am like that
I hope she be a actors in the movies one day that would be awesome ??