Join me and my friend Whitney while we explore one of the most haunted locations ive ever been.
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Yay!! I've been waiting for this!
Glad I came across this????????
13.20…a faint, "hello" after you said hello. OMG, that was clear as… Watching from New Zealand with Love
Someone was in there with you all; their light is plainly visible reflecting off the door frame at 17:08. There is no way it is from your light, John, nor was is Whitney's.
Awesome house great episode about time you had a beautiful sidekick and smart to boot !
Would love overnight
You seem to be hearing but it’s not picking up on video
I heard footsteps on stairs
I watched both y'alls videos dont know if it was u Jon but I heard I'm behind you in both videos
Your best investigation I've watched so far.
I can hear like humming bass noise but can not get the words… to bad . Would loved to been there w ya guys! ?☠️? and to mention how beautiful that house is … could not imagine living there IF it wasn’t haunted…
of all the equipment in use the divining rods are the most misused ones. anotherr thing is but seperate is who made up shortening up the word legitamately to just LEGIT?
Excellent video! I'm watching an exploration unknown marathon here. Spooky stuffs very entertaining.
Brilliant vid. Doors closing, footsteps and the responses to the dowsing rods. Yep there was definitely something fruity and weird going on there. And a mark of a good investigation is where I find myself tilting my head to peer round the door as you pan the camera round. Old building accumulate a lot of history, some imprinted into the very fabric of the building, some of it I am pretty sure is something left behind. Remaining either by choice or circumstance.
Fantstic!! Thank You!!!
they sayed my name steve
A lot of activity in that place ?
At 7 14 someone whispered and it sounds like the same voice as the other one. Something is following you
Omg! At 1 40 you say hello and someone says right behind you creeepy!
It looks like people still live there…
Very cool.. Love the interaction between Whitney and Antoine.!
Please leave the emotional white girl at home!!! And come on u said she was sitting on the bed then the door slammed and u can see that she tried to sit down quick, it was her that slammed the door lol
At about 16.45 jusr after you say 'If you are messing with us it's time to atop, a faint grey shape moves on the left of the screen and then a black line moves from the back of the hall to the front.
Am I the only one that seen a shadow walk along the stair way, neither one of them were moving!
A noisy spirit dont always mean a bad spirit. Your looking to connect with a spirit so what if the spirit is noisy?
Sounds like at old house with radiators and a boiler. Old houses deal and groan
She sounds like a Georgia peach yummy ? I saw a ghost in a plantation house between Madison,ga. And Athens,ga. Right around dusk driving by . The locals there knows what I’m talkin bout. It was a woman in white on the 2nd story balcony. Is this the same one?
If you go back please pray before you enter and tell antwan to the light. God is there waiting on him to come thru.
You need to get Patty from the GTeamparanormal & Heather as well as Stacey to come there.
Aww don't yell at Whitney she's such a sweet heart!! You really didn't yell, but girls that sweet are a very rare thing anymore!! You can tell she's an angel!! <><
its haunted why is there Ass paper in the bath room.
There's a shadow person walking down the stairs at 16:43
So scary I can't believe it I loved it love you praying for you
As 1650 we are standing at the rails of the balcony looking down at the bottom floor there was a shadow that passed towards the bottom now I'm not sure if it was a shadow or the reflection of one if you take a look at it you'll see what I mean it may have been reflection of y'all not sure but it'd be worth checking out
At 5:45 start looking at the doorway to the left of the hanging quilt there is a shadow that moves back into the doorway as your approaching I had to watch it a few times but it definitely was a shadow moving under that wooden frame on the left! Great video guys ! Keep up the awesome videos!
Reckon there were small orbs from 14:38 – 14:41. Also at 21:50, 29:52, 30:41 and 31:06. May be wrong.
You all talk to much.
U say did u hear that?
Shit maybe if u quiet we could hear?
@ 21:52 looking from the Second Floor landing, down to Ground Floor where the noises are emanating.
You were on the Second Floor, or halfway between First and Second Floor. The level where you entered the building is GROUND FLOOR.
when u said do u want me to leave a metallic voice said Yeah!
sounded like screaming
at approx 1:42 a muffled voice said "How bout you"……at 10:09 walking downstairs
I have the doll to the right on the end in brown and tan dress..lol not old
Cant hear any voices or humming u need a recorder
Still need a recorder !!!
I like whitney shes running towards it instead of running away
I see u found another camra person yay ?