Dolphin Asks Diver For Help | Keep up with Manta Man, visit: http://www.mantaman.com.
Video by: Anita Diamantopoulou
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The only way to explain this is they are brilliant. It knew we would help them and stated perfectly close and still. See how wonderful humans can be when we simply help other people or beings out. There’s enough on this world for everyone no reason anyone should struggle. It’s disgusting we allow it.❤️??
Finals tomorrow…
Recommendations: dolphin asks diver for a help
There needs to be ocean doctors going into every part of the ocean that we can possibly cover just to see what animals come up to them that need help like this. the irony is, none of them would need help like this if humans were not so incredibly wasteful, destructive, and evil!
Please help me i will help u in your circuses. ?♀️
I am amazed by the encounter between dolphin and diver. God bless him for helping that sweet smart creature. It made my day a very happy one. I will always remember there are angels amoung us.
How can this reappear 4 times even after I have selected "Not Interested"?
If they trully had intelligence they would attack people and kill them! Because yeah we deserve it! That is why when we will create true AI it WILL save the planet, FROM US!
I love how the Dolphin acknowledged that the diver was helping her and stayed still so cute they are truly one of the most intelligent animals
Diver Lucky Dolphin Didn't Harm Him
Dolphins are the nicest things on the planet
Could the dolphin actually be a alien creature communicating with humans as does octopi, primates, mammals.
That was heartwarming but we are to blame. We're killing everything on this planet including ourselves.
I've been surfing for 30 plus years and every time I run into a dolphin or a dolphin runs into me it's always a humbling experience.
animals are meant to live together with human… Genesis 2:19-20
I have seen some wonderful things but this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
My dear Japanese, please do not eat whale meat, do not massacre dolphins. There are so many things to eat, not whale meat, not dolphin meat
I watch this and feel a real sense of shame, hurting such beautiful, interesting,intelligent and essential creatures is a real low point for mankind
Stop making their home a garbage can !
? this dolphin is so selfish. No hugs
Why are there 800 thumbs downs??? This was a beautiful and amazing video! Thanks for sharing.
Actually I think the diver just noticed that idiot dolphin had a fishing hook stuck it her stupid fin
Kudos to the helpful and gentle diver ?????
I love dolphins ?
Hey I wanna eat that dolphin it looks delicious ?
I once saw a gorilla perform the heimlich maneuver on a guy choking on a burger at the zoo, brought tears to my eyes. ?
Now I'm sure that the fishes know who even put the nets.
Amazing 🙂
Dolphins are amazing and there has to be some kind of connection with them and man that goes back a long way that we do not know about for them to trust us so much? ?? ?
That is just amazing to see, but as humans we need to take a lot more responsibility to take care of wildlife and the environment, we are guardians of this planet and we're doing a crap job of protecting the earth.
I don't even have words for this.. astonishing.
This is not an ordinary video. Diver was there for a reason for this exact date, time and that moment to do his responsibility and God chooses whomever he wishes to do a task. He did a great job, by the will God, he will get a massive reward for that.
Islam for peace. Great video. Love it. Lucky man
I really want dolphin as my pet … But i cant live underwater
Beautiful and trusting ?
Live them alone motherfuckers .. don't ruin. Them with ur life motherfuckers..
animal are very intelligent thits day.. we should respect they ecosystem..
Awwwww that's amazing. I swear they are way smarter creatures than we give them credit for. I wonder now… I have a theory on how they communicate with each other, my idea is that they can send images with their echo location directly to each other kinda like a fax machine only WAY more sophisticated and I wonder if she "told" her dolphin friends about this encounter.
God made all creatures companions of people when the world began ❤️
This was so beautiful. This is why we need to release these mamnals back into tge oceans. They are,CRITICAL for the oceans health
Great job, diver.
What a beautiful creature.
Murderous fisherman who fish for fun.
God created fishes as our food, not as our hobby. There are many hobbies out there that does not involve hurting another creature life.
ps: I will never consider a anyone for life partner whose hobby is fishing.