Hope you all enjoy the video :-).
You can watch Part 2 here: https://youtu.be/CWhEhpNtJLE
Watch Part 3 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxeFzWsgZqA&feature=youtu.be
This is a short horror film I made, consisting of footage of supposed witches, ghosts, demons, and monsters that have been filmed – caught on tape! All footage belongs to crypticmedia.com, YouTube, and their respective owners. Music used was compsosed by Myuu.
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0:41 how do we know that this is a whitch
I have seen animal in jungle with a glow eyes and they r saying they saw demon.
I am going in full screen guys. Wish me luck!
They stupid for being nosey
Other people see ghost: “ let’s go!”
White people see ghost:” wow that’s bizarre”
So fake!
Rukk jaaaaa…. I love yaaaaa??
DOOMGUY : That's free real estate.
I would literally Mario cart that bitch
4:08 notice when he turns the night vision on, something crawls across the bed
This creeps me the fuck out?
Bbbrrrraay bruuuuh!
Huh feeeeeeeeee laaaaaa!!!
Huh feeeeh la
Huh feeeeh lah!!!!!
First video clip is fake
My dad saw these things when he was in mexico so that's why im seeing it
If I was that guy I would just run over her and say " fuck this shit I'm out "
Wait so did nobody notice the demons face in the last video in the very beginning all the way to the far right side??? Clear as day why didn't anyone else notice that
The first one is fake nd it is explained
wazzup 2190
The first one is actually fake. It was just some police buddies doing a prank on a friend. But it does look too legit
Why she look like a KKK midget.
Who fell asleep while watching this???
Remember always be careful what you believe on internet because some of them that could turn out fake and real. All you need to do find out yourself personally about if it's true or not.
First video take place in Saudi Arabia,its can be fake cause in Saudi witch will get dead penalty
LMFAOOOO the first vid is actually a prank u can look it up
Who s after mg video
if ur in the way of me drivin nd wont move outa the way.. then i aint stoppin
After Madan video !!?
Translate the first few words pls…
The first clip is actually maria who drowned her two sons of anger towards her husband and is searching for them.
Welcome to the comments!! You probably came here because you are to scared. But no worries we have food?
That musics from the original resident evil game for the ps1
There was an idea,
To bring together a group of remarcable creatures ,
To see if we could become something more,
So when they needed them we could fight the battles,
That they never could.
Avengers: paranormal war
3:12 I think I know what it was saying it was saying help me and noo
The 1st clip was hilarious ???
I would run the bitch over? no lie??
Am I the only one who doesn't believes anything? ?
The first one was debunked as a hazing prank, real ghost leave you in a mental hospital, not evidence on a video.
I see you're hiding in the comment section go back up there soldier ⬆⬆⬆