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Hi! I’m Brandon Awadis and I like to make dope vlogs, pranks, reactions, challenges and basketball videos. Don’t forget to subscribe and come be a part of the BrawadSquad!
Jessica is Beautiful asf.
So cringe
Stop saying gods name in vine
There was feet and legs at 0:15
Jessica’s scream tho. That scared me so much!!??
Why did you put that sound @ 4:26
Where's mama Rug huh? "Turning the switch on and off"
At 15:06 something is moving where the light is
ad alert, whoo
At 0:00 the video starts listen closely ??
Bruh he said they like clout
Why don't you callll cops so we can know if this is real or no like if you loved my comment
At 11:52 you can here a girl laughing
Why am I watching this alone eating cereal
In 14:20-22 the fan is on and hainted things happen when the fan is on
So fake
The video y'all were recording was smash or pass
You no what carné assada and pollo assada is meet to my family does it
My hometown is Philly
Y’all should blow up my comment bc why tf not so yea I also am really bored ?
That was creepy ?
11:12 all I saw was my eye bc of the reflection
Ayyyyeee he said he wanted my team to win ahahahaha and they did cuz it’s now 2019?
11:00 ????????
Brandon at 1:59 the lights turn on by themselves in the background
These videos are drama and fake, have to make you tube videos right????
Look back at 11:52 and 11:55
I heard a little girl laugh
You guys are a pussy that could be a robber how u know its a ghost
FIFA World Cup is the best sporting event , my opinion
Did anyone else notice the light in Bryan's room turn on at 1:58 (I think it is) or it could just be also Bryan just turning on the light
bryan do you speek in arabic answer me plz
My sister found that house address but we don’t live next of close to that house so you’re Gucci we won’t be disrespectful like stalk or sho up to your house we live in California yuba
I bet you that, they were full after eating that. Why do you make me wish man. 🙁
If u see under the door u could see the shadow move im not kidding 11:04 is where u could see the shadow move
It is shadow man
11:50–11:51 a small girl was laughing an evil laugh
Bruh brian is cute ?
14:20 the fan is on
I’ve never seen brandin watch football in my life ??
Brian dude you scared the shit out of me..?????????
I’m running for the door take the camera ?
wtf is at 0:15 seconds like that body omy
Rug: am I really that ugly ??
3:52 I think papa rig smokes bong
I love Patriots