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German Shepherd Dogs Playing And Protecting Babies Compilation
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I love dogs
Love ?
Really cool!!!!
German Shepherd in the vid are like: “I love my little hooman ❤️”
If you dislike this video You're heartless
Poor parenting unhygienic
Dog: hooomen pups are adorable
Sweet baby ?I like
1:04 lol
And in the sixth day , God made man .
But just seconds before he takes the seventh day off , He made dog and gave him one order :
– Hey boy , keep an eye on those morons .
My 20 year old niece still has a scar from right below her left eye down to her jaw that she got at 7 years old. from a German shepherd that up to that point was friendly.
Aw that's adorable ?
I think it's kind of dangerous to allow the dog to lick the baby at such a young age. They lick their own butts and dirty paws, cmon. Especially licking inside a baby's mouth? That is excessive.
That's too cute
2:40 horrible parents
Well the dog doesn't understand but I wouldn't let your dog lick your baby especially in the face they carry alot of germs you know that tongue has been everywhere
Man this is great
Can that woman at 16 seconds quit tripping out. Dog knew what it was doing.
I dont know how people trust in an animal and let it be near to a baby … please respect your baby they are not a toy
genrman shepherd dogs playing and protecting babies compilation
bruh i need one of these but like i have two small dogs
This video can show you dogs acting protective, but it cannot show you the countless children saved by dog from all kinds of danger during the mankinds path through history.
I wouldn't let the dog lick my baby in the mouth but I think this is adorable ❤️
@1:00 Too busy on their own way?
I absolutely adore German Shepherds
I wish I was a baby or a dog. They get all the attention.
Are these really safe and hygienic for infants?
By the time of their teen years they have to say goodbye
it s not goood for babies
سبحان الله . ولا اله الا الله الرحمان رحيم.
You are not worrie that baby might get flees?
Doggo loves little hooman
Tomorrow when these kids get some incurable disease from saliva of these dogs, their parents will be barking like dogs at the doctors to do something??
How does the dog protect the baby?
Disgusting so called parents letting pets lick baby's mouth.
I have a Sibir Shepherd and Australia Shepherd
German Shepherds are so adoreable when they're puppies too! ?
Lab & Sheperd are the best and friendly breed in the world ❤️
Cutest video on the net
I'm so exited to get one!!!!!
Nice protection dog
A real breed not some chav staff or some handbag rat on a lead
1.00. Your my best friend