Spring is here, and young birds may be found on the ground. It’s important to know which of them need assistance and which do not. Birds with no feathers (nestlings) are too young to be out of the nest and always need to be returned, if possible. Young birds with fuzzy feathers (fledglings) are often “rescued” by humans from their environment when they don’t need to be. Unless there are obvious signs of injury, let them be.
Contact a wildlife rehabilitator immediately if there are life-threatening conditions or you think one of these birds is in danger. Thank you for your compassion!
Visit https://www.peta.org/action/how-to-save-baby-birds/ for more information.
PETA’s mission statement is that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way:
Subscribe: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=officialpeta
The website the meat industry doesn’t want you to see: http://meat.org
How to go vegan: http://features.peta.org/how-to-go-vegan/
PETA Saves: http://features.peta.org/petasaves/
PETA: http://PETA.org
FAQs: http://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/
You can’t be good humans if you are not good towards animals and other creation…that’s why Prophets were also shepherds…they were sent to lead the creation towards its Creator (God, Allah)
Peace be upon the prophets of Allah.
I would snap the baby bird fucking neck not the bernie sanders one he looks nice on 0:41
Id burn the FUCKING nest down
Just stamp on them
what happens when they are weak and sick and what does the mother do?
Wonderful advice!
Leave them alone if there in the nest
How to tell you our story. I have one .
P eople
E at
T oo little
A mount of animals
I slaughter animals
I slaughter animals like birds
I helped a baby bird today, i took it home and put it in a cage filled with some nesting, water, and seeds, i was going to let it go until it was strong enough to fly, but when i went to go check on it an hour later the cage was pulled open, im guessing by a fucking cat, and the bird was no where to be seen 🙁
I shoot animals that trespass and tear things up
I love birds and really want to help them… I AM NOT TRUSTING PETA THEY ARE LIARS!!!
Huh, PETA is actually being helpful.
And no, I'm not trying to be rude. I've just been seeing lots of videos about the crap you guys have been doing.
so basically you're saying if I find a dead bird and call nine-one-one I'll be awarded a Nobel Prize? shut up.
They can literally grow feathers because there are birds like all birds grow feathers when they grow up and when they're like in that Nest that means they're a baby and you know how humans are like you grow a hair when when you grow up as soon as you die
You can also feed small baby birds to horses, deer, cows, sheep, goats and any other animal really. They will appreciate the extra protein.
Let nature do nature. Humans inevitably make mistakes
I'll keep it thanks
If you're involved then they do need our help
Thank you for debunking the if you touch a baby the mom doesn't want it myth because it's more destructive then the vaccines cause autism myth
this video is actually ok.
here's a document made by NathanRowe10 describing how peta are assholes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q8uyaXt2siRLrIaQcRDy5sfHQhSIlQA7SVHruc_DtsQ/edit
If the fledgling is in an area where there is a lot of foot traffic or completely exposed to obvious danger, such as a busy area or where there are other animals that might be predators might pass, it's a good idea to help them by getting them out of harm's way and to a safe place. I have helped fledglings that were on a busy sidewalk with lots of bikes and dogs going by near a major road – one of them had already been run over by a bike. If I hadn't rescued the others, they would have surely died that day. So use your judgement. Keep them warm with a blanket or towel and feed them a watery puree of cooked eggyolk with a dropper as many times as they willingly open their mouths to eat when you touch their mouths with the dropper. Try to get them to a rescue as soon as possible – baby birds are extremely fragile.
Peta: because an honest, hard working chef who never hurt anybody is the same as an abusive husband/child-hood bully/mugger, you meat-eating monsters, you.
They can have all the warmth and shelter in my stomach. For 1-3 days.
https://youtu.be/ryX3mMmAazU ? and you say that you save animals!?
"Help baby birds, by taking them from their nests and fucking kill them."
How to make a non-violent daily industry suitable for a school filed trip:
Make huge fields where cows can run around and socialize with other cows.
Make a special den where bulls and cows can mate on their own term
Make a special area where special supervisors with veterinary knowledge are present during a cows birth, and givin pain relievers.
Once successful givin birth, they will spend 3-4 months with their mother until big enough to have a cute little jacket with a number on it placed on the calf that is matching with its mother?
Calves will be kept with their mother until big enough to go back into the field with the others.
Farmers will by hand milk cows once every other day. And the days they are not milked, their calf gets their milk.
Oh I'm sorry, I was dreaming
how the f am i supposed to get a "nestling" back into a tall tree!?
EDIT: My First 2likes in years xD
Thank you so much!!! My cats always bring me baby birds and I never know what to do
I found a fledgling recently, but I left it alone.
Well this wasn't my favorite but it was my first ever pretty successful rehabilitating, Bird Story
. One day I was outside with my cats when I saw my cat wrestling with something, that something was a flightless bird that had been caught by my cat just a few minutes ahead, I took my cat and away form the bird, after that I took the bird in to my house with my hands folded over it. When I then got inside, I asked my parents if I could borrow a pot or pan to put the bird in and to give it some peace and quiet. Two weeks later while we were gone to my brother's hockey game, the bird escaped and when we got home we couldn't find it, this bird was dying but we had no other choice but to shelter it. I found the bird next to my cat boo boo yes I called my own pet cat boo boo ? anyways he was huddled up right next to my cat. I didn't expect my own car to be motherly!! But my cat protected him from my other cat that tried to kill him. It was pretty intense but the aftermath wasn't good, I'll never forget that
All the comments are insults lol
They would be delicious with sauce!
I really would NOT recommend touching the baby birds. If you get your scent on the babies, the mother will reject them. This happens in a lot of animal species. Also, if you do happen to find a baby bird on the ground, *DO NOT PUT IT BACK IN THE NEST*. Sure, you could maybe take it in and raise it, but I wouldn't recommend that. Just let mother nature take its course.
Dont interfiere with nature, they get dumped by their mothers otherwise because of the wierd human smell
I DONT UNDERSTAND VEGANISM COULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHY YOU REFUSE TO EAT STUFF THAT CAME FROM AN ANIMAL WITH OR WITHOUT PAIN (i understand that you dont eat stuff that came with pain like meat but not the stuff that came without, like milk, or eggs or cheese) Could someone, not rude tell me please?
suck my asian cock peta
You are hypocrites, you want to ban pit bulls and you euthanize animals for no reason. Go slither back under the rocks you came from.
nobody fucking cares you abuse them just like us lol
https://youtu.be/OJeeTxUtYqA XD
Stupid Peta wants to let the birds live so they can spread the torture to the next generation. Let them die and save their offsprings from pain.