PURPLE, PINK OR AQUA SCRUFF-A-LUV? Pick Your New Pet And Rescue It!

PURPLE, PINK OR AQUA SCRUFF-A-LUV? Pick Your New Pet And Rescue It!
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CUTE AND LOVING SCRUFF-A-LUV PETS! Who will you rescue? Purple?, blue? or pink?? New toy review and unboxing!

Unboxing new toys and making toy reviews, what could possibly be more fun? Slick Slime Sam is always on a lookout for new toy releases. As soon as he sees something interesting he gets it right away to make a new unpacking video and share it with you, guys!

Sam’s recent favorites are Scruff-A-Luvs, amazing little live pets. Their motto is FIND US SCRUFFY, MAKE US FLUFFY! This toys are so cute and fun! They are packed in a cute little chest box with a picture of your mystery pet. Inside you can find a little squeezed ball of fur, an instruction, an adoption certificate and a few awesome accessories. The fur ball can be blue, pink or purple. The purple on is a limited edition, so we were super excited when we could lay our hands on one!

The instruction is pretty simple. To reveal your mystery pet you have to through a few simple and easy steps. First, you want to gently wash your future plush toy. You can use a little bit of soap but nothing harsh, baby shampoo or gel will work great. Once wet, the toy will start to reveal its shape. It could be an adorable bunny, a funny kitten or a mischievous puppy! Then you need to dry your little fluffy buddy. Use a hairdryer, it’ll be the fastest way to dry a Scruff-A-Luv. After getting dry your pet’s fur will be a little tangled, so use a brush that comes in a set to groom your fur baby. And then you can put some accessories on your new plush pet and you’re done!

Adopt your Scruff-A-Luv and become FFF – Furry Friends Forever! We promise, you won’t regret it!

TOY REVIEW AND UNBOXING VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQOiotks9v0&list=PLYsskVzwBG4rfJ6-csiJPAHXPXiGWkNib

HOW TO MAKE PERFECT SLIME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngYxxN8BywI

This video has English subtitles for your convenience!

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Stock materials:

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Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/

Title: Cuckoo
Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073


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  1. I like your stuff a Luv a lot sue its very cute sue i don't like it I Love it ooo yaaa and the other s i like to sue sam take care of it and you're self

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