This is story of how Kilo the pit bull changed his mom’s life forever. Candice was going through a tough time in her life so she decided to start volunteering at an animal shelter, where she met Kilo. She rescued him, and he saved her right back.
For more of Kilo and the rest of his family, you can follow them on Instagram: http://thedo.do/roofusandkilo.
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Awe almost looks like mine God bless you for saving him
Everyone would benefit from an extra 'Kilo'. ?
A beautiful story! Thank you!?
I cant believe I cried
No words
Yess you saved a dog
What beautiful person who loves gives compassion and kind
I oh most cried eating my ice cream lol good one
My baby who saved me was a budgie. He was my soulmate and my everything. He knew over 50 words and phrases and when I was crying he would lick my tears and say 'aw, it's ok, I love you' which is what I would say to him when he was scared or upset. Animals have so much purpose and are usually treated like second hand garbage. We definitely don't deserve animals love.
I don’t get some things, they rescue the dog but give them a limited time to get adopted and if they don’t they put him down, is that really saving them?
What shelter kills dogs? That’s disgusting
Mai haart
How do I hold my tears back like a man. Please somebody teach me
beautiful story
Omg literally me
I feel sooo bad for all the dogs who have get put down
Kilo is sooo cute ❤️
I cried
Omg he has the pittie smile
Sooooo BEAUTIFUL!! ???????????????
See Pitbulls know what love is, maybe even more then humans.
Awww adorable!
Some people think that pit bulls are mean and viscous but they are very loving and a great companion ??
Good job
Well, I am bawling by rear off like a baby! Kilo is beautiful, so sweet, so kind, and this relationship was meant to be. Thank goodness you have a wonderful, supportive husband who loves you dearly and just wants to make you happy! It breaks my heart that dogs like Kilo are being put down daily. I could never work at a kill shelter, no way, I would be crying all the time, and wanting to adopt all of them, but that being impossible, as it takes money to adopt a dog or cat with best food, Vet bills no matter what comes up, you do not put them down, you try and save your furry child. We have got to stop this back yard breeding and stop killing innocent animals like Kilo whose only crime is wanting a loving home. Bless you and Kilo, what a beautiful, bitter/sweet story! God blessed you both!
The power of love ♥️?
Her voice is really flat and sad
This is such a sweet story. If more of us start listening to our hearts our world can become more beautiful. I know it sounds cheesy but I haven't given up on humanity yet. Thanks for this post.
I cried the entire video it reminds me of my dog ! I miss you Babyboy ??
What about your other dog
Why would they put down such a beautiful dog? This made me cry so hard
I think those dang ninjas are cutting onions
I hate people who thinks pitties Are mean
i hate kill shelters
Saving 1 dog doesnt change anything, all breeding system needs change and educate people
So sweet, both of you, hubby 2, made me cry..
show this to anyone who says "pit bulls are inherently mean"
Pitbulls have the wrong reputation. I have a pit bull and even though the change in my life wasn’t as dramatic my world was changed by the happiness brought to me. She would not hurt a fly. When other people have dogs at a park they will hide behind a bush until we pass. Or they will be like oh she is so cute and ask what type and as if the word pit bull changes my dogs appearance. I hope this will help a pit bulls reputation it is inspiring.
beautiful thank you
DOG is GOD spelled backwards for a reason… 🙂
What a beautiful story it brought peace into my heart.
Soft pittie, warm pittie
Little ball of fur
Happy pittie, sleepy pittie
Snrl snrl snrl….
LOL! apologies to sheldons mom!!!
I find it really unfair that dogs who stay in shelters for extended periods of time have to be put down if no one adopts them. What if the day after a dog was put down a person who had interest in it wanted to take it home? It's just not right.
I’d love to be able to share Me and Holly’s store on here. Holly is a rescued pit bull terrier and my psychiatric service dog. She saved me and has allowed me to live again after I thought I’d never have a normal life.
Your AR a wonderful women ????big hug to you from denmark ??