GHOSTS on YouTube : 5 Ghosts Caught on TAPE by Youtubers (H3H3 Productions, Logan Paul, Morgz)

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We count down the Top 5 Ghosts Caught on Youtube – Ghosts caught on tape in YouTube videos, sometimes with the Youtuber not even knowing!

Ghosts caught on camera by Youtubers like Logan Paul, Morgz, and even H3H3 Productions (although they didn’t seem to notice). No Lance Stewart fake videos. The most believable, realistic ghost videos captured by YouTubers.

H3H3 Productions / Ethan and Hila – THE H3H3 PODCAST #15 – Ghost Hunting with Post Malone [HD RE-UPLOAD]

Logan Paul – REAL GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA! *Not Clickbait*


MichaelDMagee – Ghost Sighting Using Kinect Camera – Real Paranormal Activity Part 43.2


H3H3Productions – It’s Time to Stop Lance Stewart


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About the Author: Nuke's Top 5


  1. ghost: closes door
    me: well that was creepy.
    ghost: eats all my food in the kitchen.
    me: walks to kitchen and sees that all my food is gone
    also me: who wants to die?

  2. There's another YouTuber who caught a ghost on her camera: Marissa Rachel. She was filming a giveaway video one night, and forgot the prize, so she left her room to get it, but left her camera on. A little while later, the camera started to tilt down (her camera is big with a heavy lens, so that tends to happen), and as it does so, it catches what looks like a child's hand pulling itself back. The story doesn't end there, though. Check out her channel or just search "Marissa Rachel ghost", and you'll find all the videos on the matter. Nothing has happened regarding the ghost in her bedroom recently, so it looks like it finally decided to leave her alone.

  3. Megan face freaks me out I cudnt do that, anyway let's keep filming No Wayyyy that is such a bad idea it's the worst acting for fake ghosts open doors and shit fuck me people are doing shit to make money but lame as this one is sad.

  4. In first video you can clearly see shadow of a hand closing the door
    i watch Nuke`s video for a long time now and enjoy them but so obvious fake should not be in his videos

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