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Disclaimer: No London Real hosts were harmed during the filming of this video.
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#LondonReal #Motivation
That looked like fun 🙂
Only an idiot could consider that near death
Omg Brian, how dare you waste 31 seconds of my precious YouTube time with such clickbait? Don't you realise I have more important matters to attend to such as the latest videos by TheSlowMoGuys, Elliott Hulse and HowToBasic? How do you sleep at night. I'm so offended, I'm going to angrily press this dislike button and unsubscribe. The Internet just isn't what it used to be. In fact life just isn't what it used to be. Nothing matters anymore. Thanks a lot Brian.
Auto Belay, anyone that knows what that is, will understand what I'm talking about lol.
Brian you have 1, that is exactly 1, more chance of clickbaiting, and I shit you not, tens of thousands will unsub instantaneously!
Its a really fucking annoying habit more and more youtubers tend to pick up, but until this point I honestly thought you were still something different, and just another youtuber fuckface who is only it it for the money.
Brian Rose risking his life for our amusement. Glad you survived! +1
where is the faith when you are harnessed in… silly
"YOU"LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT" Brian you promote your London Real Academy as a place where likeminded people can converse, I'm all for humor but why are you treating your subscribers like idiot buzzfeed consumers? smh. Respect your subscribers.
Brian, the fuck you doing?
Cheb end
Unnecessary use of crotch shot.
ha ha …you got me
where is it Rob?
That looked like fun. Near death? Haha.
near death… really… you had to clickbait us ?
Hey bro nice jump love the expression at the end…you were like you guys did have me right…I'm from WV you've always got some cool videos … Take care London – Rob
Great jump =D
Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith!