We met up with the guys from Loaded Boards to hear about their passion for promoting longboarding around the world!
Thanks to: Loaded Boards
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Heya guys . noise Does anyone see smarter than this result ? laughiqg…
loaded sucks .-.
You can check out the Skyscraper climb on my channel – feel free to feature in your videos 🙂
Loaded is overpriced
2:44 Is that bird shit? xD
really good ad
Will u sponsor me
i hate this outro
I just started longboarding and I almost lose my balance whenever I even shift my foot on it while riding, how do people do this ?? :')
Difference between longboard and loaded board?
I thought that it was leader board.
Pretty good camera work.?️
i have also a long board and its pritty long its 120 cm ???
now go to a skatepark and interview real skaters 🙂
1:30 It's not skateboarding, it's longboarding
Why the fuck do they post a longboard video on go skateboarding day!?
spotlight, advertisement. Whats the difference. lol
Would be rad to have a good long board for my son and myself to board together. I look forward to it.
Longboarding is gay
first time i hear talking at this channel
Yeah Skate Parkour!
who is Herr before 100000 views?
I love this format for the series, keep it up !
I'm a spastic
wow, just and ad.
I used to do longboarding all of the time and I was decent until I was forced to move somewhere where it is known for being flat for about 50 miles every direction. This has inspired me again though.
the floor is lava!!
Second here