Game Of Thrones is known for their great battle sequences and death scenes, from the tear jerking “Hold The Door!” to the shocking Red Wedding, take a look at our list of Top 10 Game Of Thrones Death Scenes.
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The List: “Top 10 Game Of Thrones Death Scenes”
10. Viserys Targaryen Death Scene / The Golden Crown (00:11)
9. Ygritte Death Scene (00:38)
8. Renly Baratheon Death Scene (01:13)
7. Joffrey Baratheon Death Scene (01:38)
6. Oberyn Martell Vs The Mountain Death Scene (03:06)
5. Jon Snow Death Scene (03:50)
4. Rickon Stark Death Scene (06:16)
3. Ned Stark Death Scene (07:57)
2. Hodor Death Scene / Hold The Door (09:54)
1. Robb Stark Death Scene / The Red Wedding (11:51)
Top 10 Game Of Thrones Death Scenes
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6:24 that feel when u have rubber sword
Hodor without a doubt ranks first?
what about Shireen ??
Hodor should be number one
Tywin Lannister should have been high on the list
Did they ever found out who killed Jeffrey(poisend)
Since when was Caitlin a Tully does that mean she is related to Sam Tully
How dare you hordor deserves the number 1 spot
9:18 guy looks like sean bean or boromir, is it him?
I saw number ten last night…
idk anything of this but its really sad and disturbing???
Most epic count down I have ever heard. Second place for What's mojo.com
I was cry
Number 5: the fuck are you on about
Poor ygritte
lol then Jon snow comes back
This list is fucking restarted why was Jeofry number 7
Never felt more sorry for someone's death on Game of Thrones, than Hodor's.