“The good man is the friend of all living things”, Mohandas Gandhi.
Sometimes animals can hardly avoid danger by themselves.
Fortunately, when kind people find themselves close enough to help them,
they inspire the animals with hope, life, and joy.
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You guys are the best thanks for taking care of animals and I was so sad ???…….????
3 times i found dogs in boxes. i saved them i give them food and water, like box full of tini little cats in the park. i love animals so mutch, i accommodate 2 dogs, but i got 6 dogs 2 of them are accommodate , realy i love people hwo rescure animals and care of them, i mean how somewone can kill animal they are not normal. , thank all hwo save animals you are asome if you like animals. , hwo cares if animals dirti or infect they need love it does not matter that the anils are dirty there is not her this is a tabpole and these injured you have to love them because otherwise it is not that love man and animal. , save all animals
the chanell is very good
The hurting my so bad because it was was?
Bolo bolo suctum bolo om numushiviy its a Hindu prayer they believe that if they pray the Lord will come in front of them and bless them Sita. Ram
I would walk through fire just to save any animal
My crying dogs are so swet
My dad's boss found a cat on the highway he thought that she was a plastic bag and then he saw it muvig
I love ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!
I saved a bird once
And it was legendary =)
can someone please explain how that poor dog (4) had aa big mounth then later it was normal?
Plz help animals even if they don't like them I had a dog and I saved her ??
If the cats and dogs are done ill take them
That is sad
To put on clean wat not on dirty water like that
I saw a fishy swimming why didnt they get a bag and save it to
so sad so true!!!!
poor animals
THE foxiwillcollhimfoxy
People need to be more careful in with animals it touches when an animal is dying
I say ???Oh My FBI??? When I saw A Animal In Pain or I got scared
my borthers name is fenix
I almost cried?
I'm crying right now this is amazing if they weren't saved they would die slowly in pain
I'm getting ready to cry and my heart is broken so I call these animals cuties thank you whoever saved these animals and took their time to save them
♡♡♡♡ i love animals
These people are so kind?
I found something funny about the cat in the well.
I have saved three snails from getting Thier shell crushed an now they live with me
That is so sad ???????
I didn’t know Wells was for trash hmmmm?
Bless the humans who help animals and other lives
One time I was walking to a store in my hometown and a bird in its nest literally just flew off it’s tree!
And then it smacked into a building (My mom was there with me) so we went running to it and I scooped
It up. (I was 6 at the time) So in a panic I went running into the store I ran to the counter asking how
How I could save it the lady at the counter told me to put some water on it’s face. She told us to go
To the back were the bathroom was. So we kicked down the door! it didn’t really happen so I put
some water ? hoping that it would move a little and it did!so we went back to the counter stroking
its head gently slowly I showed the counter lady AND THEN IT FRICKIN JUST DIED IN MY HANDS at
Afterwards my mom FREAKIN THREW IT IN THE TRASH ?????”M-M-M-MOM “as I cry terrified
Now I cry myself to sleep:)
I just cannot ?