► xQc’s Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/xqcow
► xQc’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmDTrq0LNgPodDOFZiSbsww
Original Video: https://youtu.be/koEvcfgtr-Q
► xQc’s Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/xqcow
► xQc’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmDTrq0LNgPodDOFZiSbsww
Original Video: https://youtu.be/koEvcfgtr-Q
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i love how he tries to skip the kid getting hit and ended up pausing it perfectly
Lol show him 9/11 footage i bet he’ll say it’s fake
Sees title
My brain: “xQc: FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE”
3:17 this dude holding the shifter like it's a manual car lol
Wouldn't a sniper bullet destroy that helmet and his head around 4:00
6:00 xqc this man is a photographer going against a polar bear, photographers are supposed to know all about animals as they take photos of them for their life. Polar bears try to threaten their prey, if something stands its ground and shows its staying in a place they move away. You need to know shit about what people do before you just say “that’s a bear why isn’t he moving” I’m not shiting on xqc it’s just you gotta know about shit before you talk about it
Yall retards calling 6:00 a pepega when hes a damn genius, if he ran the animal would have thought he was a prey
U n d e r
What is that robot voice in the background?
I fucking hate the cocky people that deliberately put themselves in danger like the juggling/hanging by one hand. It's just not worth the risk, but if anything happens it's "so sad, such a tragedy"
My man xqc ducked from seeing that bear
4:20 i don't like that he is hiding the truth about how it is to be in the military, fucking cunt
diver at 11:45 is a) diving first time b) retarded c) 11 year old child
800+ celsius in a forest fire. Your car can catch fire and explode.
A n a c t u a l r e a l b e a r
0:32 how the fuck didnt he fall? Explain pls
I hate this guy
Form top tier ow comp player to reaction streams the downgrade is real
Am i the only one here that thinks xQc is a fckn idiot?
4 kills first place
7:12 moment of silence for my mans
Does this xqc guy actually have autism? He’s so fucking dumb I can’t even handle it. Like he thinks they should turn the car around to go back into the burning forest? He also thinks the car full of oil and gasoline won’t explode when surrounded by fire??
This guy funny as fuck
Bruh these guys on tall buildings or things I feel like there at rock bottom lost everything and have no hope like that's all I can think of when I see those videos well plus my sweaty ass hands.
12:43 just a normal Russian day…
Xqc is so retarded
Polar bears are more scared of you than you are of them.
Lol that kid getting hit by the car ????
10:51 that was higher than I thought?
Lol lemme drive real slow through this forest fire and melt my tires so I can’t get out :3
U are mumbling
Bro thjs guy is a fucking pussy
2:03 fast and furious be like
12:46 ?