From Challenger to Columbia, we countdown 10 horrific spaceflight catastrophes caught on film.
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Top 10 Spaceflight Disasters Caught on Tape
#10 Taurus XL Rocket
#9 Space Shuttle Challenger
#8 Vanguard TV3 Rocket
#7 Long March 3B Rocket
#6 Delta II Rocket
#5 Space Shuttle Columbia
#4 Titan 34D-9 Rocket
#3 Proton-M Rocket
#2 Ariane 5 Rocket
#1 Titan 4A-20 Rocket
You have really nice videos~Fighting^^
I've got the story of the Space Shuttle Challenger in a book called "Mistakes and Disasters!"
Hi. You asked about joining the eternity knot. Sorry not a fan of the YouTube internal messaging so I thought I would drop you a comment. I'll get a tutorial up for you in a few days.
Top 10 most loved characters. I'm lookin' foward to seeing this one
I've always been fascinated by this sort of thing. Really good list and explanation.
Top 10 most expensive comic books ;3
Can you do Top 10 Secret files Leaked or Revealed ? Thanks