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In this top 11 list, we look at the most scary ghost sightings by children that were caught on camera. Whether they’re real or fake, let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Enjoy my analysis of these mysterious videos.
Sources: https://pastebin.com/UrgRS3KE
Narrated by: Chills
Written by: Kyler Richman
Edited by: Huba Áron Csapó
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
jdgehlert (pond5.com)
Her grandma must be in there!
Number 3 was pushed for sure. She was not even moving so how did she loose her balance.?. Doesn't make any since at all. She was pushed by a unknown entity for sure.
I can’t take the commentary voice….
Ppl needs to pray these things out… But I believe angles are playing with bbys or realitives do coming BK cause I've experienced it before..that little girl was def was pushed.. ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️????
I might sound crazy but a couple months ago I saw a orange tiny ball float and went under my bag. I freaked out and thought it was a bee.
People need to be more careful with their children and then possibly seeing spirits or entities. They are open to all of this and it can be very dangerous. (Danger watcha self) ewwwwe Scarry..
Lily number nine has a weird shaped head. It's kind of alien like and flat on top. Before someone says it's her soft spot is too far Back. With a head like that she's probably has some special powers..
The little girl in number ten definitely saw something, did it startled her.
The little boy in clip 1 says there's the ghost than daddy killed him
Y does he talk like tht lol
Hi I got food ?????????????????
And drinks ?????????? more food ??????????and cute things to ??????
im going full screen im scared lol
The kid itself in 6 was freaking weird.
Number 8 is a possible demon I can tell
I'm more scared by your voice and the way you speak. You ok bro?
Who’s alone and scrolling through the comments because there scared?
Like if you are?
My nan and pop died last year 5 months apart and my 1 year old brother didn’t know his nan that passed away and of a night he stands up in his bed and looks out to the hall way and laughs and says nan nan ? but no one was there
Sorry … I couldn’t get through this because of the ridiculous voiceover!! Mate, speak normally. The semi-mechanical sound is so dated now
Talking about a chilling voice …
To some kids are creepier than any ghost.