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Strong maternal love can beat any obstacle!
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I’m not crying! My mom is cutting unions again!
Affolant que les gens ne s'intéressent pas à cette jolie charte!!Quelle courage et quelle force vous avez madame charte!!!Je vous aime???❤?❤
Kore wa nihon ka dokka
Mother's love was priceless. Abandoned at the temple at her pregnancy stage. How heartless does the person cut her left front leg. Living alone without source of energy and a comfortable shelter was a heartbreaking scenario.
Who tf cut off her leg!!?! I'M PRAY WHO DID SUFFER
Acho que foi alguém que cortou a patinha dela! Existe ser humano que não deveriam ser chamado de humano!
It's so sad. I'm craying!! In world it's so many cats with this. Comon guys we are heroes! We rescuing the animals !!!!??????
Povera gatta che coraggio e teterminazione per accudire i piccoli…
Amen por esta gata muy luchadora like si eres español
Please don't let the mother Cat and her kittens go out the streets back again
Pleeeeeease adopt them because their life would be easier!!! ;;;;;;;-;—–
Pelease I request Pelease I request Pelease help animals I request you help all animals so sad please help animals I request you help all animals
Gracias por hacer un trabajo tan bueno con los gatitos. Espero que encuentren una amable familia♡
Fue muy triste pero muy feliz a la vez y van a estar feliz nueva vida para ellos
Like si piensas que los quedan dislike no tiene corazon
It's really sad wait them living there but they were living in trash 🙁
please doctor adopt them ???
The most upseting thing is that,
people are just walking away…
I think this mom-cat is VERY brave to raise her kittens and despite her pain,
none of cats deserve this,none of THEM deserved it.
She still even trusted people after that person left her.
I'm just ashamed of human being,
You guys are amazing for helping them and other animals! 🙂
nunuinhubgzvgz vguz gv
nunuinhubgzvgz vguz gv
Mucuțele de ele
What is the first music
الأم تبقى أم ..الله يرحمك يا ماما ويجعل مثواك الجنة?
Ewa die genezen die katten en eren ze op zo werkt china
I hope this kitty family is adopted by a good family!!
make me sad can someone adopt them? Any update hope they all go together
Strong mom ? ??
Huhu thương em mèo quá
Like si los gatitos guiñaron el ojo
La pobre mama es muy buena primero sus bebes despues ella, yo estoy combencida que le cortaron su patita para que la pobre no volviera a la casa donde una ves la quisieron sin pensar en la canallada de dejarla incapacitada y con bebes que cuidar, por caridad ayudarla no puede continuar en la calle cojita y con pequeñuelos q cuidar, piedad
I love you kritter klub <3 :'(