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You don't have to run faster than a lion, you only have to run faster than the person with you. Befriend a fat person.
Me: About to die
Me: Wait when was my last checkpoint?
Damn I going to hell!
Fear, calm, am ok with this, dark, the nothing, then walking up in hospital/stretcher.
I don't think of anything..
I took 40 painkillers before i went to sleep. What i believed to be my last thoughts were "at least it wont be painful" then i laughed at my own joke. I woke up 2 hours later a vomited and seem to be fine to this day.
Me: about to die Damnit I forgot to save!
When I was 8 I went to a restaurant and since I had a peanut allergy we asked if they used peanut oil for fries. They said no so I had just eaten a fry and then they came running out and said they used peanut oil. Turns out she miss read palm oil.
Note to self: ragdoll physics will save my ass in car accident
Hey, I'm from Cleveland, Ohio! It's uhhh… Well we try, we really do.
Death: Any last thoughts?
Me: Ah shit, here we go again.
When I was 7, there was cake icing on the paper (it was a mr Kipling) so I decided to suck on the paper and then it got stuck down the back of my throat. This was like 3AM so no one heard me cough it up lmao. I was like “oh crap”.
summary: I choked on paper.
Also on Valentine's Day this year I was in a wreck and I blacked out and I thought I died for a second
When I was younger I almost drowned at a pool party and I don't think anyone noticed until my dad saved me
The last thing that went through my head after going off a 100ft cliff in a truck and becoming trapped under water was…I can't believe that I am going to die like this, then I"gave up"…faded to black…woke up on top of the rig coughing up gasoline and river water. I'm assuming that when I blacked out my body got one last surge of adrenaline and bent the door frame enough for my fat ass to squeeze through….now keep in mind rolling down the window and swimming out of the rig is a rational, calm, and level headed thing to do. Well you fucking be rational and level headed and calm going off a 100ft cliff into ice water after being seriously concussed…in the dark. Afterward I later held my stepfather and tried piecing his skull back together as he died in my arms. I sometimes wished I had died too. Physically instead of spiritually.
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna start getting ads in my dreams.
My near death experience was when I was drowning and started getting water in my lungs while also trying to save someone who couldn’t swim. I was certain I was going to die. My memories flashed before my eyes in split seconds all the way back from when I could remember to where I was at that moment. I thought about all my regrets and all the things I never accomplished. I’m very thankful for that experience.
They really need to do something about those malfunctioning trains in Cleveland. Fucking ridiculous man.
Gets sucked into a water vortex,this is it im about to die,die and wake up in my bed gasping,realize its a dream,lol i was 100 certain i was about to die
First to comment first despite not being first first.
It's even worse when your choking on Christmas dinner with your family and no one can be bothered to do anything.
I've nearly died alot of times but that lasted long enough that I believed I probably would.
Who ever is making these videos is making alot of money
Honestly went by so fast I just thought "welp I'm done for"
Let me see, one time dad was driving us back from a village and the road was narrow for a two way street and ended up losing control over the car for a bit, also my uni was attacked by people from the government and I wasn't certain I'd die but it's worse if you get caught because you don't know where they'll take you and do to you or how long you'll be there
when i nearly got hit by a car while riding my bike, i just remember thinking, "oh shit''
but hey, still here
Death: any last thoughts?
Me: uuuuuh. Shout out to my homies at long beach
That’s Cleveland for you.
Some people have had near death experiences when messing with us bigfoots
"I'm going to die."