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About the Author: realvipul


  1. Evil spirits are fear of Jesus Christ. You need to have Jesus Christ in your heart and keep calling His name to successfully chase the evil spirits out.

  2. Im not surprised. It's clearly a demon attack. There are many causes, probably caused by ex-owner's home ritual in the past or the house built over land who owned by old powerful demon. Btw, i also have the same experience at my home in Bali and also in Java, like chairs moved by itself, moving dolls, knocking doors, somebody's yell. But all of those experiences are dissapear since we learn more about islam. Allahuakbar!

  3. if this is real then those guys are idiots they are talking to the spirits as if they are some superior being or their masters, those humans are ignorant.

  4. I would LOVE to experience or witness a LEGITIMATE paranormal experience. I've always said this. If I saw something paranormal, while sober and in a sound state of mind, I would become PROFOUNDLY religious, as it would prove that there is something after death. Until then, I think there is a logical explanation for every paranormal video, but at the same time, I know that I don't know.

  5. There are no ghosts, only demons (invisible) and fallen angels. Demons can and do mimic passed loved ones. Fallen Angels shape-shift to appear like benevolent spirits. Any Born Again Christian can use the power of Christ to cast out. I have as recently as last summer. A doll was winged at me, but fell short. (Thanks Guardian Angel(s).. I didn't even bother to turn around. It later flung a latched door open, so, thru Jesus, we flung its demonic a$# OUT! No fear, just did it. When you have the Holy Spirit in you, demons bounce off. Okay, let the mocking begin…unless you have it in you to research my statements for yourself before acting the fool.

  6. I read comments but don't watch the videos as they mean nothing to me,. I live a life where I see ghosts as you call them. since childhood and have lived with one for a few years. never did I or my family feel the need to do anything, but enjoy having her around.
    Now days I can communicate with them. (I'm a medium)
    Two sorts of people that really need to stop believing what they do.
    Sceptics and people who are religious. religion has so many people around the world believing rubbish!
    Then the sceptics who put people like me down. I was born this, I had no choice. The person you idiots all look up to "James Randi" has you fooled. you are as smart as someone who is religious.
    Randi's challenge is a bogus publicity stunt that makes him money. you should try and get yourself an entry form and see what is written on it? it's full of outs and there is NO MONEY.
    I know people with abilities you would not believe. I research everything that has happened to me. the spirits in my life come to me, to help me understand who I really am. I could go on, but I won't. I know this is my last incarnation and my message to people is this. You live many lives, on your last incarnation, you will be born a medium and meet your twin soul. so you had better get used to the idea of mediumship!

  7. There's no such thing as ghosts demons yes who pretend to be ghosts of dead people some pretend to be good others to be bad for a wile. But sooner or latter turn bad

  8. The spirits here on this video, if real are dammed here on earth. They were dammed before their conception due to their species. Then there are others, by way of Judgement. Sentenced to wonder here on earth aimlessly for eternity. So you better get it right and keep it right because The Elders keep records on us all. Your deeds here on This Plane of Things Made Manifest will Be your ticket to either move on freely to the next dimension or keep you here to wonder.

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