We found a baby Eagle stuck in the weedy water and took him by boat to shore.
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It truly was a once in a lifetime experience. We both have lived near lakes our whole lives and never saw a bird of any kind stuck like this. We did go back to where we took him a few hours layer and he was up in the nest with Mom and Dad ? close by. In the fall they all migrated south.
Aww he's hungry!
He will eat after he's dry and calm!
He's scared.
God bless you guys
What dicks put a thumb down?
Very cool, also look at all the positive feedback in many different languages! It's nice to find a part of YouTube with positive people and minimum c*nty people!
Should have left his ass there
Great job. Love stuff like this??
Great job and thank you for helping!?????????
America is happy with you
You did a beautiful thing
Sach a great job ❤
SO CUTE????????????????????
I don't even care about it being on video that's not what's important here… I'm just glad that you both took the time to help the Eaglet out of a bad situation! Hope it survived. ♥️
Thank YOU good job !!!
that eagle is precious
guys, you had good intentions to feed it but it is a bird of prey.. its instincts say the grey has to be moving and preferably alive.
Would you look at that
Oh my god this girl knows nothin of nature and animals. She is the worst part od this video and doesn't deserve a man like him
Eagle at 2:00 translates to
Human: gives eagle a fish
Eagle: scanning
eagle: I need take a hot shower first !! xD lol
Орлу стыдно что его в таком виде люди увидели, стесняется теперь
You guys, Surdeys, are awesome! A rescue and a feeding of an eagle…outstanding job. The poor baby wouldn't of made it without you!
Thank you❤️
"Why are you going away?!"
"I'm trying to help you, you dumbass!".
“why are u going away, im trying to help you dumbass”.
She said kinda cool? That's fucking awesome!!!
american anthem intensifies