Eagle Save 2016

Eagle Save 2016
Spread The Viralist

We found a baby Eagle stuck in the weedy water and took him by boat to shore.

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About the Author: The Surdey's Adventures


  1. It truly was a once in a lifetime experience. We both have lived near lakes our whole lives and never saw a bird of any kind stuck like this. We did go back to where we took him a few hours layer and he was up in the nest with Mom and Dad ? close by. In the fall they all migrated south.

  2. Very cool, also look at all the positive feedback in many different languages! It's nice to find a part of YouTube with positive people and minimum c*nty people!

  3. I don't even care about it being on video that's not what's important here… I'm just glad that you both took the time to help the Eaglet out of a bad situation! Hope it survived. ♥️

  4. Орлу стыдно что его в таком виде люди увидели, стесняется теперь

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