This has good orb activity and it knocks over my speaker!
This has good orb activity and it knocks over my speaker!
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I fucking knew I saw orbs the first time I watched one of your videos (Filmed when your gf was gone)
Have been more into paranormal activity videos so I came back just to see them in action lol
Svi mi posle denisovog videa
I've had weird shit like this happen in my apartment too. I had the tv in my bedroom turn on one off throughout the night. My fan has stopped working in the middle of the night without the dial being turned to the off position. I regularly hear footsteps from my bedroom – I'm on the top floor. A bottle of Ouzo that was on top of my fridge at least 4 inches from the edge fell off. My lunch pail that was also on top of my Fridge literally flew off and hit me on the shoulder.
I Hope u get rid of this thing whatever it is : ( im sorry that this is happening to u
Hola, alguien publico unos de sus videos grabados en su habitaciĂłn, y tuve interĂ©s de ver su canal para poder comentar, una de las razones por las que suceden este tipo de cosas, como una presencia paranormal, es probablemente los que vivieron anteriormente en ese apartamento, realizaron algĂșn tipo de invocaciĂłn, lo tĂpico de adolecentes como realizar la âhuijaâ, esto trae serias consecuencias como ejemplo dejar el ritual abierto porque se asustaron y dejaron el tema ahĂ, si el portal quedo abierto como parece el caso terminan apareciendo entidades paranormales, que poco a poco van apoderĂĄndose del lugar, lo mĂĄs aconsejable es trasladarse a otro apartamento, por que ese tipo de situaciones son difĂciles de controlar.
That was no orb, it was a penlight of sorts, and notice how it was always at the top of the frame and would go out of frame quickly , pure hoax. Sorry guys, this guy is a fraud.
There's no way this guy goes thru all that footage every single day this shit gotta be fake
That's good that you moved out of that apartment.
My god you were surrounded by orbs…..thats insane!!!!
Hey call the TAPS team i dont believe in this stuff but i like watching them and well they are all over the place but this is kinda believable not saying your lying its just hmmm i would trust the TAPS team they are Professionalâs and they will be beneficial so look the up they travel all over the US and they have made trips outside the country as well
9 Spirit OMG!
Roll tide
Im guessing joseph quit making these videos? Hes prolly moved out by now
That big orb is awesome!! The energy in it is crazy!! Have you maybe contacted Omargoshtv? Or the G Team?
dude you need to pack up and leave that apartment now that place is haunted.
I read a lot about ghosts, I really believe in them. They do not show up. They live with you, but you will never see them. I think they give you alerts to leave their house.
on all your videos so far I've seen orbs flying around. so you do have spirits around you. I do believe they have something they want to tell you or want you to leave?.
the real haunted with alone ohne See scary
Madison Taylor the give me Phone number
so fucking meny orbs