10 Most shocking and horrifying moments caught on camera
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Elite Facts
10 insane disasters caught on film
"Age-restricted" LOL!
10 disasters caught on film.But if you watch this video you wont see any of them.Waste of time.
If you show attacks on dutch royal family, why the hell didn't the 9/11 attacks make the list???
They said in between magnitude 9.1 and 9.3 then isn’t it 9.2
Where is the film? And you missed to take Gernot Reinstadler, worst ski disaster ever! He died in 1991 Reinstadler lost control and crashed into safety nets at full speed, where one of his skis became trapped. Reinstadler suffered a pelvic fracture and severe internal injuries as his organs bled out onto the slope.
He died later the same night at a hospital, even after undergoing several blood transfusions. There is also a short video to it, if you like to watch it just search his name.
10 disasters caught on film and not one clip of any of them, aside from a snippet of the hindenburg but that doesnt even count.
Okay…this is weird… I can't see any other vids and can't go back to the previous vid… Why? Idk
Does this channel have no subs? Good
Is this film or is this a story to tell
My brother stealing my turn on my laptop shoulda been here
10 insane disasters caught on film but we won't show them because we aint got shit
YouTubers that killed Ninja in fort nite to this. wow YouTube ?
True. I'll show you how you should of done it,'
10 Still Pictures Taken from Footage of Films that Caught 10 Insane Disasters on Camera with Narration to Make it Look Like Your Watching 10 Insane Disasters Caught on Film,…..Film,…..Caught on Film,….Film,…I think?
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U fogot 911crash
This guy oviously did not go to school because he doesnt know the difference between film and photo. At least put a good title before realising the video god???
Bloody pictures again…
Good vid