We got a call that a puppy was drowning in a well. As our Rescue Team arrived we heard the most desperate cries of anguish as the exhausted little puppy paddled to save his life. This adorable little sweetheart would have died in the next minutes without rescue, and he seemed to melt into the arms of our rescuer who descended into the well.
Please donate to help save animals when they need us the most: https://www.animalaidunlimited.org/how-to-help/donate
Thanks for saving his life
I can't stand the way people treat this world and the animals on it! There should not be vids saying "we thought this dog was dead" because someone beat the poor dog up! correct me if I am wrong , THIS IS NOT OK! I cry every vid because Calf's ( baby cows) and Puppy's ( baby dogs) are dying in wells and gutters full of garbage, and same thing to the aquatic animals!! I am just happy that people like Animal Aid are there to help and save them! and thanks to the people who call the rescuers! ONE LIKE EQUALS ONE PRAYER! and a chill pill!
I just can't stand the fact that people don't know how to take care of wild life! and the way people treat these animals! If u disagree go ahead but u are wrong thinking it's ok! it's not! there should not be vids saying "we thought this dog was dead" because someone beat the poor dog up! correct me if I am wrong , THIS IS NOT OK! I cry every vid because Calf's ( baby cows) and Puppy's ( baby dogs) are dying in wells and gutters full of garbage, and same thing to the aquatic animals!! I am just happy that people like Animal Aid are there to help and save them! and thanks to the people who call the rescuers! ONE LIKE EQUALS ONE PRAYER! and a chill pill!
This is the time where you would hate and love those garbages in the well ?
Thank you Animal Aid. Keep it up.
You are Angels ??????
If saving animals means hurting them, or even ALMOST dying..It’s okay..at least they are okay
I'm soo happy that he is ok now
i will never understand that people who throw dogs in water. That people are litters i want them to die. Bye
I swear every video makes me cry like a baby… ?? all of you are a gift from the Lord. you guys are amazing NEVER STOP DOING THIS
Animal Aid ,i love you!
It's a miracle!
This is a real man.
I salute you
Какой хорошенький!.. Спасибо!
God bless you but why so much trash everywhere in India damn
Poor poor thing
When I grow up I want to save dog
Your are real superhero
Thank u to the people who saved the puppy and god bless them and the puppy
Parabéns a esses seres tão bondosos, que Deus os proteja e os ilumine sempre. Ainda tem um babacas idiotas que dão deslikes no vídeo….
Oh no you are drowning
Very nice video ??
???omg i feel horible
O my god he so beautiful ????
vary nice
OMG that is sad ??
You kind humans are shall be welcome in Valhalla
That was awful, his crying, he was so scared. Thank you for saving him.
I get so mad at these videos.not because of the people helping. Its the fact these countrys have all these low lying HOLES orWELLS.and animals are falling in.dogs. cats cows.goats.sheep. etc…dose no one know about fences.gates.grates.or walls.really just pisses me off.dig a hole.well just walk around it.really people .
What's with all the trash in a well?
Animal Aid Heroes
waaaaa????i cried so bery hard ot practise
U do a hero's job guys
Das a brave boi
Oh that poor puppy! Bless you for saving him, along with whoever made that call for help.
Individuals around the world should stop donating to Animal Aid Unlimited until they are willing to do the work to avoid these types of tragedies. They could easily go in and offer to cover the wells at no charge and thousands of animals would be saved. Will not be surprised if they delete my comments. I stopped donating to them.
I agree with Joyce Joseph, comment below. With the millions Animal Aid Unlimited receives in donations, they do nothing to avoid these types of tragedies. They should utilize some of the funds to go in and cover wells. Sadly, Animal Aid India treats the symptoms and not the cause which is tragic for thousands of animals.