Love Animals? Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCINb0wqPz-A0dV9nARjJlOQ?sub_confirmation=1Every loving animal dad is the best dad – here are a few that we’re highlighting for Father’s Day 2017. Awesome Dad Videos include: Corgi And Dad Do EVERYTHING Together; Man Rescues A Baby Squirrel And Shares His Life With Him; Man Sees A ‘Dead’ Dog In The Road And Decides To Save Her Life; Dog Loves To Fall Into His Dad’s Arms; Cat Helps Dad Propose; Shelter Dog Was Shy Until She Learned To Surf; Guy Fills His House With Senior Dogs; Pig Gets New Wheelchairs from his Dad; Kitten Trapped In Car Gets Rescued And Adopted; Pug And His Dad Go Everywhere Together, And These Photos Prove It; Best Kitten Dad Ever Will Climb Any Tree For His Baby; Guy Can’t Stop Adopting Rescue Animals.
Corgi And Dad Do EVERYTHING Together
Keep up with Apollo the Corgi on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Apollo-the-Corgi-587644684744617/ and Instagram: http://thedo.do/apollocorgi.
Man Rescues A Baby Squirrel And Shares His Life With Him
You can follow this ridiculously precious squirrel on Instagram: http://thedo.do/tintin
Man Sees A ‘Dead’ Dog In The Road And Decides To Save Her Life
To help support Miracle’s rescuers, please visit Sierra Pacific Fur Babies: http://thedo.do/spfb.
Dog Loves To Fall Into His Dad’s Arms
Keep up with this adorable Golden Retriever, Watson on Instagram: http://thedo.do/watsongolden.
Cat Helps Dad Propose
Keep up with all of Quandary the cat’s amazing adventures on her Instagram: http://thedo.do/quandarycat.
Shelter Dog Was Shy Until She Learned To Surf
Follow Mia’s surfing conquests on Instagram: http://thedo.do/mia
Guy Fills His House With Senior Dogs
Keep up with this adorable family’s adventures on their Instagram: http://thedo.do/wolfgang.
Pig Gets New Wheelchairs from his Dad
Follow Chris P. Bacon, the very special pig on wheels on Facebook: http://thedo.do/chrispbacon, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/chrispbaconpig, and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrispbaconpig/.
Kitten Trapped In Car Gets Rescued And Adopted
Video footage provided by: Storyful
Pug And His Dad Go Everywhere Together, And These Photos Prove It
Keep up with this adorable Pug, Norm on Instagram: http://thedo.do/norm and check out his website: http://thedo.do/normandco.
Best Kitten Dad Ever Will Climb Any Tree For His Baby
Special thanks to Fairshanks (https://www.youtube.com/user/fairshanks/) for sharing their footage.
Guy Can’t Stop Adopting Rescue Animals
Keep up with Lee Asher and his furry family on Instagram: http://thedo.do/asher and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Leematthewasher/.
Love animals? Watch more videos from The Dodo: https://www.thedodo.com/video
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
THUMBS UP FOR ALL THE AWESOME DADS OUT THERE! Check back tomorrow for even more Animal Father's Day videos! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6qJ3jSm5l0&list=PLLoPYaJqlcK4xsqJMMXaLMJX08Yrf2gK2
Awesome men ❣❣❣
Real " human beings" for caring also for all these.loving creatures!!!
1.) An insecurity creator
2.) An all time jughead (*No. Not from Riverdale*)
3.) A try hard
And last but defiantly least
4.) An easy way to block out all happiness
That last guy is clearly a fucking psycho.
The 10 kid dad is absolutely awesome. Some people are meant to be pet parents???
thats number one on the list, don't like animals? don't want dogs on the bed? deal breaker
The pet dad of the year has a heart of gold. He senses when he first picks them up that these angels have lost all hope. He then sees them "transform" into very happy animal beings. Bravo for the Pet Dad of the Year, and all other pet dads as well.
I am grateful there are wonderful pet owners out there. Adopt, adopt and adopt some more!! Love all ??????. Kitten dad ??, the guy that keeps adopting senior pets ??. May he find someone to look after him in his golden years! Guy who has 10 pets ??
I am proud to be a man.
You gotta love a guy that loves animals & isn’t afraid to show it. That’s a REAL man!
❤ to all animals out there in this huge world we call home.
This is why people love animals so much. Because of the way they are. Animals are awesome. Better than people for sure.
Does that last guy need one more addition to his family? I’d love to be adopted by him.
Handsome men with pets? This video is such a panty-wetter for women.
Someone get these men some women! They'd all make great fathers.
"Help, my car is purring like a kitten"
"Why is that a problem?"
"It's an electric!"
"Chris P. Bacon" Oh geez, I'm not sure if that's adorable or just funny.
Hot daddies ?
Can someone tell me what happened with Yaffa, Haven, Whiskey and Goose? Lee Asher's dogs and cats?
Lee Asher is King on loving his dogs/ cats, adopting from everywhere, finding great homes for many, bringing life back to dogs that had lost their spirit & love of life……..I could be go on & on. …..lol! Let's do as Lee does …….by actions……..Spread compassion, joy, friendship, empathy……and all that good stuff!!! Most of all……treat animals the way we want to be loved……cuz t he ey only do us the same! Whether we deserve it or NOT! Peace / Love!
Apollo's dad is a dilf
Wah another sexy hunk hu lavs his pet
All of these dads & their babies are so pure!!! ??
This is so beyond cute! I love these two ❤️❤️❤️