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Here’s my thoughts on the latest news that the UK TV Show Most Haunted has finally, after 15 years caught a Ghost on video…
REAL or FAKE?! What do you think?

My REACTION to Most Haunted Live – 2015 Halloween

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About the Author: DarkerImage Studio


  1. Just to give you some perspective – Really TV has refused to ever let Most Haunted do a proper live event ever again. "As Live" so called uncut material is the closest they are allowed, after the shit storm of their 2015 Live Halloween Special. Actions speaker louder than words, so what does that say about Really TV's confidence in the show?

  2. Yeah…l'm with you mate. The give away of the fake ghost is that 'suddenly the camera is on a tilted tripod', how convenient ain't it for a perfect double exposure, the camera needs to be steady for maximum effect!

  3. Anyone claiming that is a person it’s insane, no person moves like that, especially not up some stairs. Like maybe it’s not a ghost but then how else can you explain it

  4. Also again just watch most haunted codnor castle series 21 episode 8 carls sleeve catches on fire ,he takes hes jacket off you dont see it you just see the room lighting up .when it goes dark you can here a match box being closed . Yet again carl and stuart .

  5. Did any one notice that that so called ghost was wearing exactley the same as stuart it seems funny to me how they put the camera down first. Look a again its stuart from behind .its cg

  6. Hi, I've just found your posts, film clips & review's, love it all & I have seen, heard & felt spirits myself since I was a tot,
    but M.H. has had so much pressure on them to make the show ratings high (LIKE THE AMERICANS,Zac & the gang) that there has been cheating mainly from Carl & Stew, I think Evie is honest & truthful, but the boys don't care. Poor Evie she should host another show with a new honest team !!?? X Thanks

  7. They sell these shows all over the world and people watch, and t.v companies buy the episodes. Now just imagine a ghost hunters programme where nothing ever happened. No one would watch it. And it would make no money.

  8. love Most Haunted, even if it's fake or not. Its just fun to watch. Love the reaction and review videos. Could you review more? like the new series or previous live shows? Love your channel 🙂

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