Paranormal Activity caught on home security cam. Real ghosts caught on video

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Paranormal Activity caught on home security cam. Real ghosts caught on video. Orbs and ghosts caught on miedo,video effrayants.
video de miedo fantasma,videos fantomes effrayants


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About the Author: Creepy Seven Paranormal


  1. I agree with what one person said..Orbs don’t move very fast..dust specks definitely do! I have seen sooo many dust specks that fly quickly all over a room..whereas in some ghost videos that I have watched with “ghostly orbs” those orbs move slowly and they have some pretty colors in them usually!

  2. Yo vi un círculo así más queño en mi cuarto me pasó pormi cara que sisnifica eso nomedoi miedo pues yo nole doi importancia paque nomedeja miedo

  3. Unless I missed something else going on in the room the one with the ceiling fan coming on I clearly saw a human being on the left turn the fan on light on… They should have made sure they were out of video view… Smh…now I really question the validity of the other clips… Smh…

  4. Why all paranormal activity which captures on camera it's look like round or like white like the part of cloud………. Hummmmmmm,??????

  5. What is with the one turning the fan off and on with the wall switch on the far left? LOL. Is that supposed to be paranormal? You can see him.

  6. Just an observation from watching so many of these videos. Ghost don't like messy houses. Yes there's been many beautiful homes that I would never consider messy at all but they are few and far between comparatively. It seems to me the most activity goes on in the homes where there is the most chaos.

  7. It’s a shame that people don’t know what a bug looks like crawling across a camera lens and assume is a damn ghost. Of all things. Read Occam’s Razor.

  8. all I see is dust in slow motion dogs looking at a lady standing by a Christmas tree and hear a person typing then see them turn on the light

  9. I see you have small insects crawling on the camera lens. That's why so small and out of focus. Way to slow and predictable, 2 dimentional. Bugs

  10. Second one DEFINITELY wasn't dust particles or bugs…BUT ORBES FOR SURE!!! Great video???

  11. "Bug on the lens" is the default position for most skeptics. Proof, however, requires that you identify which bug it was, and offer a theoretically sound explanation as to why said bug(s) are consistently obscured in each and every video, in pretty much the same way, etc. etc. I'm not saying that if a skeptic can't prove it was a bug, then it must be a ghost, but the good 'ol "its a bug" line is just another story. A premise looking for a narrative. A thesis in seach of a study paper. You get the idea. It's just passive-aggressive rhetoric.

  12. The first video was a bug on the camera lens. The 2nd video was bugs flying in front of the camera. The 3rd video was a very large bug opening a door. The 4th video was another bug in front of the camera. The 5th video, you got it another bug. The 6th video, yet again a bug on the lens. The 7th video is a dude walking into a room and turning on the ceiling fan and lights but it could have been a bug. The 8th video is another f*cking bug walking on the camera lens. 3 minute plus video about bugs doing ghost impressions or maybe bugs are just camera whores.

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