Here are newsflares scary moments caught on camera part 2! From insane floods, giant spiders & terrifying demolition fails. These people had some lucky escapes.
Check out part one of our top scary moments here:
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The cracking bridge at 11. is a prank
Aww I hope that dog is ok
At least it wasn't a WILD snake… That could have been deadly.
@1:40 Jesus. No. NOOO. Look how that crane almost demolished that Camaro!!!!!!
8:41 My question is: why are you standing there questioning whether or not the worker is seen and not calling 911? I mean common sense dictates that you would call in the emergency, and not stand and record the event.
0:49 possible it could be a dire-wolf. No one knows that they are fully extinct in some places
Nailbiting u turn off cliff more like earphone biting and i brokethem
At 1:00 i would've packed my bag, leave the house and start a mew life somewhere else
1:16 its Prank glass
1:41 nobody cares about the supercar
Please Subscribe to my channel. Please help… thanks guys.
0:47 how big can a wolf be?!??
its so interesting that in the last clip they are live on the news
Ok, The One Where The Clown "Was Chasing Them" Was 100% Fake. If I Was Being Chased By A Clown I Would Be Running And Screaming, Not SpeedWalking Away. Also Horrible Acting, Also I Wouldn't Just Sit There And Record, I Would Run. Terrible Acting, Etc.
Oh shit it’s a clown
does the dumb dance
4:25 ???
The truck will be realky scary
What happend to the dog oh my gosh i heared him crying
1:40 and almost hits the car too
Does anyone else realize that number 11 was fake??
1:16 I watched that before, it was a prank, there were screens pretending to be glass, so the people got a little jump, lol.
Number 6 hmmmmmmmmm
1:41 also that man almost got hit but the car was so lucky
1:17 that’s not really real
that clown thing is fake, for one, the acting is so bad my dog could do better, and if i were walking through the woods and i saw a clown id be running faster than Usain Bolt
From 1:19 to 1:25 …….best and honest attempt in ''Anybody can dance '' !
Are The dog ok ?
does anyone know of the third the original video and if the dog nothing happened????♀️
0:52 poor doggo 🙁
1:16 its actually a troll just to trick people
Kis kis nai video skip kar kar ke dekha hit me like… ????
I completely skipped the clown one
lol that boi at 2:37 was so cute and so evil at the same time he's like "can i pwey with your twire?"
At the end… woman says "thank Jesus". Jesus did fuck all… thank the fire dept.
It’s fake guys 1:17