5 BIGGEST Waterspouts in the World! Caught on Video Most insane Water Tornado on camera
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In Today’s Video, I will be showing you 5 BIGGEST Waterspouts in the World! Caught on Video Most insane Water Tornado on camera Enjoy
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» Video Music – Mellow Relaxed Background Music
» Outro Music – Mellow Relaxed Background Music
1) Fishing Moments On Camera: https://youtu.be/py6zku6n32k
2) Creepiest Videos: https://youtu.be/QV7NJ2ykRtU
3) Real Possessed Dolls: https://youtu.be/JCrWmcrPxNc
4) Worlds Unexplained Mysterious: https://youtu.be/V6JQ1ooSvsY
5) SCARIEST GHOST: https://youtu.be/17DyTDjiES8
6) Creepiest CCTV: https://youtu.be/IIQpaH2N9sw
7) LARGEST Tsunami: https://youtu.be/AXKbJjfrC-U
8) Craziest Waterslides: https://youtu.be/9NAjH92rAGM
9) Biggest Natural Disasters: https://youtu.be/BsqCoTEbp1E
10) Incredible Moments: https://youtu.be/ke18zR8rrt0
Video Uploaded By Top 5 Trends
dang that was cool
The Bateman's Bay water spout was the one that made the show. I just wonder how much damage that would have caused had it touched land.
14:30 when your girl tells you she home alone
Wow that red arrow and circle is circling… nothing absolutely nothing
Me: I wanna be a storm chaser tornado:dont I will kill you me:pfft I won't die tornado:its not a joke me:whatever
Quit being so sensitive 2019. They got you the footage be happy.
U dragged the video on for like 10 unnecessary minutes
The last one
“My girlfriends going to kill me”
Really THATS what your worried about right now??????!!!!???
WOW this is horror
Moron was 20 feet away tf
That dog isn't brave, it just doesn't know what the fuck is going on !
"How many people see a Tornado/Waterspout from this perspective?"
REED TIMMER that's who.
Man sees water spouts goes in
What do you like to do for fun?
(Speeds through a developing waterspout)‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahaha!’
If your British, skip the accent
"We are in the middle of 4 water spouts right now." Well, I doubt many people get to live to tell that story
Sharkrnado lol
Wow going thru the comments makes my head hurt. Waterspouts can be deadly. They can touch land and make serious damage just like a regular tornado can
There's a flood in our house! Because of water spouts
I bet there was a huge sea monster on that spouts!
Stop asking for like
What if there's a shark chasing them?
Normal peeps: The tornado made from water is not so powerful as the land one.
Kid: look, a tsunami!
My heart drops when i see tornados on youtube clips
My heart will physically drop i i ever see them in real life
Just a random roads to skypiea
2019:people recording tornados and waterspouts
Just think what they would be thinking if the boat ran outta gas
How many people are mad that the dog is on the boat with them
Y’all are so crazy and stupid for taking that poor dog out there with y’all
That dog scared as can be tailed tucked and all and y’all wanna move closer to it
So I don't want to come off as ignorant but I've never witnessed one of these and I've never lived near an ocean or large body of water where these form so I've zero understanding as to what this actually is. is this a funnel of all water picked up from the ocean or is this mostly wind with water droplets that take apearance of water? Do they damage things as A tornado or hurricane? Please be kind if you Care to help me Understand, thanks
Clickbating BITCH!
It’s called a typhoon
Level 90 mage doing their thing
What idiots. I don't care about them they could have stopped but what about the dog he had no choice. Leta
at 10:17 it was pointing
Wouldn't your first reaction be " Oh wow a water spout maybe I should get to safety" but no people want to record and DIE