An insane compilation of animal fights from Kenya in 2016-2017 in the Masai Mara. It is a video about males fighting with lionesses to take away their kill. Then, the two male lions fight over a warthog. There are few other animal fights later in the video if you skip ahead–hippos, hyenas, giraffes, etc.
If you like this video, be sure to check out our additional safari videos on our channel. We have had incredible trips in Kenya and India and Belarus.
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Male lion are only they can attack buffalo cuz they are lazy:
I swear Africa is a land filled with nothing but legendary Pokemon
The hyhenas would have finished that by now, at least lions kill prey first, lovely video
Great video! Well done guys !
Why the name blackie and lipstick?
stop talking please.
It's funny how these guyz just take without asking, it's like a mafia or something
And that my friends, is where we get the phrase 'Lion's share'. Think of it as capitalism in the wild.
Vary cool video. Great job
Very nicely done. Enough of each animal to make it interesting enough. But i gotta say the lionesses and lions made an impression on me. Lions and their food!!!! You are now my enemy as we battle each other over the food!!!You gotta love them!! But the poor lioness!!!! Thank you.
Where's the fucking rumble asshole…
There's no need to fight over food if these 2 lions were hungry they should of told me I would of made a burger king run and bought them both some whoppers with fries and soda, they know better then this. Am disappointed in lipstick and blackie
You wusses.. just jump out and get between the two of them and split the food for them…. hahaha… hahaha
When food time comes they forget about "Partnership."
Girrafes where playing one was much smaller…playing lightly…
Brave of that lioness to stay on the neck there. This prob happens more often than not and the hog gets away because the male is more concerned over showing who is boss than making sure dinner is tucked away.. Here the lioness bravely stays on to make sure it's dead, the charged up male looks to understand the situation. but these males, when their blood gets boiling, they can't contain themselves. "I'll take it from here." And that lioness was pissed!
very nice
What are Blackie and Lipstick doing now
Cameras are so noisy… why?
Ебал я такой интернет
Africa! Wild and Beautiful
Male lion there is no democracy
amazing footage you have managed to catch and you 2 are living the dream truly you are so blessed to be able to travel and view the amazing world of the wild
love the video and keep them coming -GOD BLESS
ill sub who sub, like and comment here !!
Giraffes are so cute… were they fighting?