Food is the reason YOU should travel | Mark Wiens (มาร์ค วีนส์)

Food is the reason YOU should travel | Mark Wiens (มาร์ค วีนส์)
Spread The Viralist

► I’m learning about delicious food, and I want to share it with you:

I’m Mark Wiens (มาร์ค วีนส์), a full time travel blogger, food guide author, and video producer, but most of all, I just love to eat eat and learn about a country’s food and culture.

Also sure you click subscribe, so you don’t miss my upcoming irresistible food videos!

See you soon!

P.S. I’m going to be sending you exclusive food and travel updates, you don’t want to miss:

Music in this video: Spread Your Wings by Gareth Johnson and Chris Bussey (…)

มาร์ค วีนส์


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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. Just make happy to See you enjoying food,maybe cause i feel the Same Way about it ,not just the food but knowing another cultures and countries ,just make me smile …..

  2. Yes i think all day off food i make east sumatrafood , or javanese food , every day i find new recipies , with other people whe share our recipies on facebook and many off us watch you ,a big thank you from us to you .

  3. Yo Marky mark.. I traveled all the way from the land of the Hobbits to chiang mai to try the sp chicken after seeing your facial expressions on the review. ..
    your a gc

  4. Notice the country he is in, in this video: Thailand! (probably Bangkok) THE best food on the planet. Every Asian food journey should begin and end in Bangkok.

  5. THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOUTUBE. Your videos on your channel are way more interesting than the crap they show on the Food Network! hahaha GOOD JOB.  I really enjoy watching the few I've seen so far. I just subscribed!

  6. Just stumble upon your channel while browsing recommandation for Tokyo Food! I love the concept!! I am a foodie too 🙂 I love your channel 🙂 thank you for creating content !

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