Top 10 Real Mysterious Ghost Caught On Camera | Unbelievable Scary Paranormal Videos
There’s a lot of creepy videos on the internet these days with so many videos been recorded. It’s no wonder there’s videos ghosts & other scary creature run around. And there are a lot of ghost hunters know we’re always running their cameras in a night vision trying to pick up the evidence of the supernatural. Some ghost videos are even scary, but some ghost videos are very creepy. Here are Top 10 Real Mysterious Ghost Caught On Camera | Unbelievable Scary Paranormal Videos
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Tweets by toptenvideoswo1
Patasola is Take, it's been debunked. It's an animal, a lemar if I'm not mistaken, hoping along. The body is hidden by the shorter grass in the front so all that is visible is it's tail bobbing up and down. Because the tail is white with a black tip it looks like a body and black hair, if you look quickly
That shadow following that child was super creepy. The last one was just as freaky
1:53 – Poltergeist !!!
3:13 – 2018. oktobro – "Patasola", (Unupieda) en Kolumbi' , saltade iros antaŭen ??!! !!!
9:06 – Hantita dom' > 9:50 – SON' ??!! !!!
Fake…Fake Ass Video's!!
Thank you… LOVE & LIGHT.
It is the mind that survives death. Death is but the mind peal itself out of the body that it has so far used as an instrument for worldly activities. The mind has many layers of which the outer one forms
the body. Once the uttermost
one is pealed off just like that of the snake the near one forms itself into a body once it has got the
right embryo. The flow and selection is determined by the force of nature. OK?
They look authentic
Wow im first XD