5 Worst Car Pile Ups Ever Caught on Camera

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About the Author: CaughtLiveTV


  1. Tanker clip brought me to tears. He new he wasn’t gonna make it. So he yanked it. Ultimate sacrifice. Giving your life so others may live. If he’d have hit the traffic at the rate of speed he was going. It could and would have killed dozens more.

  2. People are generally fuck'n stupid. It's simple. Go outside, stand in one place and start turning around and around. You know what you'll notice? That you're surrounded by stupid people.

  3. And that Comcast worker I hope to God they fired the whole crew that was there they should have moved their trucks when someone came over and spoke up about it but especially after the first car went in the ditch I'm telling you if I was in the accident when with two dumbass businesspeople in the road I would be suing Comcast and I would be rich what kind of idiot blocks the road in the middle of winter when it's slippery out

  4. That just goes to show all across the world we got more stupid people than we do smart people how can you not notice that there's a ton of brake lights in cars are not moving on a highway and you keep driving 70 freaking miles an hour when it's winter you know better than to drive fast yet you do it anyways you deserve to get into these accidents then and it goes to show how not very smart you are

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