One of 5 tiger cubs struggles to survive. She is half the size of the other cubs. The runt of the litter. The cub’s father tries to help
One of 5 tiger cubs struggles to survive. She is half the size of the other cubs. The runt of the litter. The cub’s father tries to help
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I Think this is a Crazy Rich Man Having Fun with the Wild
This guy is a big idiot , finally runty died and not done anything….
Why you don't help the cub, likes your help savanah
People are not stupid they need to stay and watch them until what and how they survived
Stupid people just looking, not doing nothing to save this poor tiger cub.
Save the cub?
johnvarty , you did a very damn wrong thing , ypu stared and stared ,watched and watched till the calf got in malnutrition and dialuted his whole body fat that you showed us at the end that he ahs no fat onhis foot, can you tell me why you did noy take that small kitten and feed at your home to release it back in teh wild again?? what damn you did?????can you tell me??that clv survived so long ,saw he walked as normal an dat the end u wanted to convince us tha he has tissue / muscle disease. i am a medicalman . a ny animal from birth if does not get eough food/nutrition ither way can you expect tha any thing of his body parts stay intact?? so sad i sto see this calv dies in amystery while he tried to survive even as animal. my heart still crying
So help her than. Where help is needed people are staying away
We human endangered many species , all the big cats are among these, we need to interfere, to protect and educate people, otherwise it will be a big loss to us and nature that these manificant cats are pushed to extinction , but for this little cub, I think she was born with some defeats that she was not strong enough to survive, it was a pity , provided she was in captivity, she might can live longer
John Farty you should help baby tiger instead of talking stupid things.
Natures way of sorting out the weak, what a load of bullshit, 5 into 4 does not happen and that little one is as tough as teak. How many times have you seen the runt of the litter thrive and become the leader when given the chance, you can look after the cub and reintroduce the cub to the wild if you have the knowledge and want to do it. Sorry mate but you are out of order.
Y’all know damn well he helped, just stop.
i am overwhelmd by the reaction here, if we all have these reaction then certainly no doubt that this cub is rescued bcz there r rescue brigades and these people probably working for the forest department. dont warry, he put up a dia situation and at the end she got help,it is no way that she got no help from mankind until it is told here
i think he took it to help that kid
Pick her up take her home and raise her.
Call me soft. But I would have rescued her.
So help her already
What a jerk.
COuld you not have just thrown it some food. Humans have interfered by destroying much of the tiger's habitat, so why not make a positive contribution
People talking about nature taking its course should stop filming first and encroaching animal spaces. That's against nature
just give her some food.. what the fuck… i dont get it humans are detroying nature by contaminate the all world so why not help nature ???
I have to agree with everyone else. I hate to see it suffer, a little milk or meat never hurt a cat before
I see people feed pigeons in a park. I see people feed stray cats. I see people feed ducks. u had observed that this kitten is in a desperate n dying stage. why didn't u show kindness to this animal in its last breath???
So stupid…if there were only two cubs, this runt wouldn't be a runt…Its not a matter of weakness, but rather of timing. Humans have decimated this planet then turn around and say they cant interfere in nature. One of the dumbest concepts I have ever heard.
Then feed the little thing! Its a tiger! Save it!!!! You big dummy!
This man is clearly observant, but I don't get it.
People lose all reason debating whether or not assisting a cub that is dying is the right thing to do. Of course its the right thing to do! Why would you not help the cub of an endangered animal? Even if it can't be raised in the wild for awhile, it would have a better chance than it does now.
People are given higher reasoning capabilities than animals, but you'd never know it sometimes.
Why would anyone wait until the situation is so bleak that death is eminent? The other cubs will always get the milk. They will only get bigger and stronger.
Without a doubt, we must involve ourselves. The populations are down because of mankind. We owe them a lot more assistance and compassion than this to bolster their numbers.
Sense combined with compassion. Use them intelligently to support what is needed and good.
Hate this video. Hate the cameraman
We shouldn’t interfere?? what?! People are the reason why tigers are going to be extinct. And now they said that we shouldn’t interfere for saving their life? Shame on people.
damn save the cub!!
Fuc that cub! Yo moma a ho!
Your attitude was very cruel just to make your movie for minting money you did not help the poor cub. Shame on you. Go to hell
I see a White Tiger Cub
We've killed 90%of tigers by poaching and loss of habitat, but you say you can't intervene,sounds like we already have. You could of made a difference after humans,yourself included,have destroyed tigers ,but you in your noble quest have admitted that you only want wild tigers that are self sustaining. Sounds like you are playing god to me. Good choice John
Poor cute little cub!
Lion and tiger don’t live together. This dude should of save the runt.
WOW !!! First kill almost all the tigers. Then when it comes to helping a dying cub, say that we can't intervene in nature. Awesome logics we humans give
I know your not suppose to help wild animals but I think that rule is stupid! Aren't tigers endangered? People help injured animals all the time just because your filming doesn't mean the rule not to interfere with nature should apply. There should be an exception if an animal is endangered.
Estas locooooooooo
Solo digo que estas como locoooo son diferentes el leon y tigre no puede ser , por el leon es manada el tigre no joder
Im glad bitch ass runty died. I hate cubs!
Is that the right thing to do? When In the brink of extinction, OBVIOUSLY!
Tiger canyons you help the lion but cant help the cub you only help when it's convenient I hope RUNTI COMES BACK AS A HEALTHY SAVANNA CUB GROW UP AND KILL YOU AND BE LIKE THE STRONGEST IN NATURE SURVIVE
absolutely fucking PATHETIC … they are struggling to survive as a species and you sit there and carry on with your video … amazingly short sighted
wished this guy got eaten
this dumb idiot instead of running his mouth why don't he take it to get help
Yes I agree help the runt that cub is not going to make every and every one needs a little help and that baby deserves to live
Manchmal macht er viel zu gefährlichen sachen, steigt aus dem auto obwohl da eine löwin ist, das ist nicht normal.
this guy really is a heartless fiend.. he sees the cub as useless.. of course he should help it.. the man said he really doesn't want a weak cub… well we really don't want heartless people on this planet.. but in sure someone some time helped you or will help you.