Love, Love, Love… that’s all Scooby-Roo needed to recover from his past trauma. Today you can make a donation and dedicate it to your valentine here: https://www.HopeForPaws.org/holiday_gift_for_animal_rescue
If you would like to adopt Scooby-Roo, please contact our friends at: http://www.theforgottendog.org
Happy Valentine’s Day!
#HopeForPaws #ValentinesDay #DogRescue
Always nice to see the happy endings,great job you guys do,my total respect,greetings from Spain ????
Thank you so much hope for paws for saving all these gorgeous angels you are amazing people god sent angels thank you
Why cheeseburgers? Don't you guys have dog food with you…
yay he's happy!!! 🙂
He can't move because of the shock and fear when the rescuers arrived. He's a cut little Angel
Loretta,…I see that you're married…."do you have an unmarried twin sister , I wonder?"
Scoobyro is definitely a sweater guy!?✌❤
What a sweetheart!! I think it’s better to stand next to her not right in front of her as we human are so much bigger than them and it can be intimidating.
Giant pitbull or small Chihuahua they are all so scared. Thanks for saving them.
I have a dog exactly like that. Same coloring and everything. Makes me cry!
I love hope for paws.
What a cutie
Oh my gosh those sweaters!! <3<3
poverino è troppo impaurito grazie per averlo curato e salvato grandi! ciao piccolo buona vita amore! spero che trovi presto l'amore di una bellissima famiglia che gli voglia tanto bene grazie!!!!(sei dolcissimo e bellissimo ciao piccolo!!!?????
It looks like a kangaroo
I love u people!!!!!!!!
I watch these videos all the time and I wish harm upon those who put these poor animals in such distress. However, I remember it's not up to us to judge but to help. God will deal with all of us; none of us is without sin, but if you can harm an animal you will harm anything. Just my two cents.
?????so sad why I don’t understand why people hurt dogs evil they are Gods creatures you will get your karma so happy you guys exist ty smh ❤️❤️poor bb
Loreta … I love you
I so wish i had a magic wand to help all these beloved creature god created. I love all animals.