Valentine's Day Rescue of a terrified little dog who was paralyzed by fear.

Valentine's Day Rescue of a terrified little dog who was paralyzed by fear.
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Love, Love, Love… that’s all Scooby-Roo needed to recover from his past trauma. Today you can make a donation and dedicate it to your valentine here:

If you would like to adopt Scooby-Roo, please contact our friends at:

Happy Valentine’s Day!


#HopeForPaws #ValentinesDay #DogRescue


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  1. What a sweetheart!! I think it’s better to stand next to her not right in front of her as we human are so much bigger than them and it can be intimidating.

  2. poverino è troppo impaurito grazie per averlo curato e salvato grandi! ciao piccolo buona vita amore! spero che trovi presto l'amore di una bellissima famiglia che gli voglia tanto bene grazie!!!!(sei dolcissimo e bellissimo ciao piccolo!!!?????

  3. I watch these videos all the time and I wish harm upon those who put these poor animals in such distress. However, I remember it's not up to us to judge but to help. God will deal with all of us; none of us is without sin, but if you can harm an animal you will harm anything. Just my two cents.

  4. ?????so sad why I don’t understand why people hurt dogs evil they are Gods creatures you will get your karma so happy you guys exist ty smh ❤️❤️poor bb

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