Animal Lover Turns Home Into Hedgehog Hospital

Animal Lover Turns Home Into Hedgehog Hospital
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Tucked away in a cosy cottage in Berkshire is a hospital that rescues over 700 hedgehogs a year. In 2007, web developer Gill Lucraft started the rescue centre Hedgehog Bottom after discovering an hedgehog hidden under a pile of leaves in her garden. Her love of the iconic British animal has now taken over entire rooms of her house and hogs are stacked up in her front room, dining room and living room. Find out more at:

Videographer / director: Kashfi Halford
Producer: Hannah Stevens, Nick Johnson
Editor: Joshua Douglas

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About the Author: Beastly


  1. I am on a late night vigil to rescue the small ones who wont survive hibernation , so far i have 1 in a big run with leaves and catfood/water . wont go to sleep till 3am. 290gms .. I will take it to Waltham abbey animal rescue and give a large donation.

  2. They are gonna be sonics they gonna be fast when they run they will be zooming through the house
    Edit: what happens if you forget their name oh you have the name on the tub i think

  3. Bless this woman! I have my own pet hedgehog named Roxy, and she makes such a mess with her poops! D: She even goes in her food dish sometimes and I have to clean and refill her dish lmao

  4. Lorries loads of good karma are coming for Misses Gill Lucraft and the great VOLUNTEER STAFF at the Berkshire Hedgehog rescue.. My last 5pounds in my pocket to start a GOFUNDME UK campaign..

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