This is a remake with a few changes due to copyrighted material.
Enjoy. Must say sorry for the video at around 6 minutes is not a sinkhole but a dam or water reservoir so I’m told.
*** LOOK ***
YouTube channel dedicated to cutting out the boring bits.
And getting straight to the awesome bits.
All video’s produced on a tablet and home pc.
This is not the FOX or DISNEY channel.
I don’t have editors on standby or CGI wtf
I DO NOT care if :
1) You don’t like the music.
Why? It’s not your channel.
Agreeing 100% ? Impossible!
So I will do the deciding yeah.
2) You are offended.
Pull up a flag. What it’s there for.
Why?? It isn’t about money.
Do you’re own research if you doubt me.
I am NO guru ask GOOGLE
Don’t believe me? Prove me wrong.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Love WV420
I DO NOT own most these video’s.
I simply combined them all together, added sound, added bits and pieces for your / my education /
enlightenment / entertainment.
All trademark names, logos, music, sound, and clips appearing in
this video are the property of their respective owners with which they are associated.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes
such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching & scholarship, & research
0:05 The start of a Call of duty mission
Hello…..Allstate !??
How does the person with the camera know where to wait for the sink hole to appear?
this still is in the exact order of other videos I've seen, but yours was posted later. hmmmmmmmmmm……… copyright problems were well deserved buddy
Heartbreaking to see it as it happens. Bless the people.
I wonder do people still have to make payments on cars that fell into a sink holes.
Construction workers cutting cost for materials by cementing over hollow areas instead, of filling the holes with cement and rocks first!
al minuto 6,00 potevate evitare di metterlo , e artificiale quel buco !!!!
6:40 man made spillway not sinkhole
Not exactly a sinkhole, but there's beaucoups video of a Texaco oil drilling team encountering a salt mine in Louisiana's Lake Peigneur that's totally mindblowing. It ate the drill rig, a bunch of barges fer crysake, it didn't kill anyone (amazingly!) but to watch 60' trees disappear like sucking spaghetti is pretty wild! ( I think it's on YouTube, boring parts and all — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8p82uGXUUTA )
Copyright, Adrenaline junkie made this vid four years ago
where does the ground go?
The third and fourth video is not a sink hole, it is a overflow outlet for the dam. It is used instead of a spillway.
The moles revenge.
sinkholes in water are like chainsaws cutting deeper into the earth
1:45..I would have filled that hole up with all the shitting on myself I would have done
1:52 she got so lucky
Did all of them died ?
Plz ans plz
Pretty sure 14:54 is fake.
Team rocket has been putting triple effort in hopes that ash gets caught up in one of these
Matchbox cars in the faux sinkhole. Cars weren't damaged or any broken glass.??
so I could be walking and the door could collapse ? wtf
can you imagine someones name be wei ty young
kinda reminds me of my bank account.
In the water………….is a drainage system for a lake…called the Donut.
Dude wtf, speed this up, we don't wanna watch vs, just the holes…
nothing impossible if ALLAH SWT work on, QUN FAYAQUN ….
THE FLOOR IS LAVA! oops I mean a sinkhole
i had a sinkhole in my yard
This is oddly satisfying
This inspires me too watch live street cams
Perfectly normal occurrences. The Siberian ones however are somewhat worrisome for a few different reasons.
Thumbnail is not a sinkhole, fyi.
Thumbnail is the intake to a dam.
Disliking video. Not subscribing.
An whole town in Quebec, Canada has been destroyed in 1971… Saint-jean-Vianney
Now that's fucking gigantic 1:10
And it wasn't even a sinkhole.
1:38 wasnt a sinkhole. It was the construction because of the cheap materials they use to cover that hole.
earth gives no fucks
i think we used photo shop for some ???
The pond that was draining was weird..where was the water going?
gears of war anyone?
I hope my house is not near a stinkhole
watch out for that dust it'll getcha