Real ghost videos | Real ghost caught on camera | Ghost Screaming on haunted road | Paranormal Tape

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Real ghost videos | Real ghost caught on camera | Ghost Screaming on haunted road | Paranormal Tape

This video was taken by some bikers. They lost their way and reached some haunted place. it was very dark night. nothing was visible and they feel something weird on this road, they started hearing screaming and crying sounds all over the place but didn’t able to identify place. and at last they saw something on the road ahead of them. and when they turned the light to it. it was terrific scene.

They saying that they have seen real ghosts on this haunted road. but we don’t know what happened actually.

We don’t know any other details about the place or the bikers and don’t know how they escaped.

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Real Ghost Videos | Real Ghost Caught on Camera | Ghost hanging on tree | Scary videos

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Real Ghost Videos | Real Ghost Caught on Camera

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‘Scary Videos’ is a platform of most freaky and terrifying scary videos. We love to hear about ghost we love to make stories about ghost. But what if we got a chance to meet them. This channel shares such incidents that happened in real life. This might be unbelievable for you. But yes itโ€™s the fact. What actually do you believe? DO ghost exist or not? After watching this video it may be harder for you to make yourself believe that ‘GHOSTS DO EXIST’. It might be right in front of you or besides you. Only thing is that you are not able to see it with your bare eyes. But a cam lens can easily capture all supernatural powers presence. And ‘Scary Videos’ shares all such unexpectedly captured terrifying scary videos with you.


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About the Author: Scary videos


  1. We have to be cautious when communicating with ghosts, spirits or unseen beings. We can protect ourselves by reciting this mantra from Tibet 108 times a day: OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. You can get more info from here: bit(dot)ly/DSretreat

  2. Today, a man was walking in a haunted road. He was walking hear winds. At the middle of the road, I saw a white figure of a ghost lady screaming there. So, I took a look again. I saw it screaming so loud all the way down the road.

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