Man captivates horses with native flute

Man captivates horses with native flute
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At the Animu Luce horse farm in Belgium, Michael Telapary plays on a High Spirits Contra Bass Flute in F# for several horses. Their reaction? You gotta see it to believe it!

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About the Author: Rumble Viral


  1. My horseback riding teacher (native Poarch Creek with tribes from Pueblo Colorado in her background) emphasized groundwork and non-riding interaction with horses. May she rest in peace. I was lucky to learn from her–the bond as shown in your video is astounding to experience.

  2. 1st one. The little horse knew him. Other one didn't. And didn't like it. 2nd one. He wanted his coat off. The other guys were nosey and they know him.

  3. you go way out in the back woods were its just a field , your the big show . these are very well cared for horses , sand to walk on and blankets .they used to new things .cows ftw

  4. I don’t know really much of anything about horses, but I wonder if the ear twitching around the three minute mark means they’re enjoying it

  5. The horses dont care about the sound, they're just curious because there is a random man in their pasture. They want to know if the man is going to give them food, look at the horse smelling his hands. It looks nice but people are naive

  6. So beautiful so sweet great video,that,beautiful, song,, please,, the,horses. Love,you

    , god,bless, ?????????

  7. One time I was to a little island, no one lived here just a group of wild horses, I was seat to the beach and I was painting the sea with '' aquarelles '' passed a moment I felt something in my neck, I turned me back and I saw the group of horses around me… They looked what I do with many interest! lol…

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