Rescue prank on Loreta – please watch it on our website (link below)

Rescue prank on Loreta - please watch it on our website (link below)
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Loreta left the rescue location screaming the other day:

You can now fill adoption applications for the animals we have on our website, we also added new products to our online store where all the proceeds go towards rescuing more animals.

Please download our Hope For Paws APP for FREE and this way you will be notified every time we upload a new rescue video 😉

Thank you so much!


#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #CatRescue


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  1. I just wanna ask cause I live I’m Miami Florida and I think you guys are in L.A so I wanted to know if we could call you any time any where cause I always see stray dogs around my neighborhood

  2. If I had Magical powers I would have all the animals in the world be in a safe and loving home and not be abandoned and left alone, who would want to do that to an animal.

  3. That's the beauty of dogs they never give up. and when that special person come along and rescues them, you see instantly in their eyes how grateful they are and they reward you with boundless and eternal love.

  4. I applied Kanji to "AMIGO". It is "明己悟", the pronunciation is the same.
    "明" means [bright]. "己" is [myself]. "悟" is [realization] or [enlightenment].
    How about that?

  5. Come può uno abbandonare un amore così affettuoso e dolcemente bello….. Non riesco capire PERCHÉ???? Come sempre complimenti per il vostro lavoro…siete MERAVIGLIOSI ???❤❤❤

  6. So sad and sorrow in a so maximum degree warm climate how the dog survived with so miserable condition but both of you saved him and give a peaceful life. You are not only part of God but God himself making as man.

  7. Poor dog is so scared, thanks for all ur hard work saving these poor animals and giving them a better life. I can’t believe no one has adopted Archie yet, he is just so small and cute. The pit bull looks like a Wilber?

  8. Aww I really wish I could adopt every single pet in adoption, ofc I don’t have the money and also my parents won’t let me, also we don’t have the right environment or tools to take care of any pets

  9. There's a youtuber named Brook Houts who accidentally published a video of her abusing her dog! It's a doberman so I'm afraid if she loses "custody" of the dog, it'll end up in a kill shelter but it's just a puppy and deserves so much better :((( is there anything we can do??

  10. At a party someone was asking who would you like to have dinner with dead or alive ,Peole were like Jesus,Elvis, John Lennon
    I said Eldad and Loretta ! Hope I got a few people to look on hope for paws channel
    But that was my choices ! Love hfp

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