A tiger, a lion and a bear make up a group of unlikely animal friends – who bonded over their harrowing start in life. The trio of pals, also known as “The BLT”, were brought to the Noah’s Ark Wildlife Sanctuary in Georgia, in 2001 when they were found by police in a basement in Atlanta during a drugs raid. At only a few months old, all three cubs – Baloo the American Black Bear, Leo the African Lion and Shere Khan the Bengal Tiger – all three cubs were frightened, malnourished, and infected with internal and external parasites when the Georgia Department of Natural Resources brought them to Noah’s Ark.
The three cubs were malnourished and underweight after they were found cowered in small cages underneath the house. Shere Khan, the tiger, was underweight and malnourished and infected with internal and external parasites when he was rescued. Leo, the lion, came in with an open, infected wound on his nose from where he had been confined to a small crate. Baloo, the bear, was in the worst state, with a severely ingrown harness digging into his flesh because it had not been loosened as he grew in size. Surgical intervention was required to remove the harness and clean his deep, infected wounds. But after expert care and plenty of good food, the trio were soon happy and healthy again.
With the treatment of his parasites and a healthy diet, Shere Khan began to regain his cub like energy and appetite, as well as increase in weight. He is the lowest on the BLT totem pole and the most mischievous, always pouncing Baloo and Leo. Shere Khan also seeks out affection the most and numerous times throughout the day he rubs heads and grooms his brothers, strengthening their bond. With room to stretch his growing legs and proper diet and veterinary care, the wound on Leo the lion’s nose healed although he still carries a scar from his abuse. He is very stoic and enjoys napping on the porch of his clubhouse. Although he seems lazy, Leo turns into a different cat during enrichment time and is always the first to grab a toy or explore a new scent. After his surgery, Baloo was returned to his brothers and the three have been together ever since, with hardly a quarrel between and will do anything for a sweet treat.
And to the zookeepers’ surprise, the pals formed a tight bromance, meaning they have been inseparable for the last 15 years.
You might say they’re the ultimate brothers from other mothers. Noah’s Ark Sanctuary said: “Baloo, Leo and Shere Khan eat, sleep and play together and even seek out grooming and affection from one another, head rubbing and licking each another. Their terrifying early months in life bonded the three together and they are truly inseparable despite their obvious differences.”
To help support Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary and the work they do for over 1,000 rescued animals who live there, you can make a donation at Noah’s Ark Website.
Courtesy and credits of Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary photos and videos at FB: NoahsArkAnimalSanctuary
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If they can find a way to live together…so can we,
isn't that a lioness?
I. Wish. I. Could. See. Where. This. Zoo. Is, &, would. Love. To. Work. There.
This. Story. Is. Heart. Breaking, & I'm. Glad, that. Some. One. Found. These. Animals, & helped. Them, before. It. Was. Too. Late.
Lions, & Tigers, & bears, oh. My!!! Literally.
What a sweet lovely story and lovely Chopin music
I think the video would be more cool if the lion was a male.
Wow, for a minute there, I was thinking "Hey, an animal video not ruined by really bad music!" And, just as I started to believe, sadly, the really bad music started. Grrrr.
man if only leo had his mane, poor guy isn't aging well, they're getting up there in age
power bear >> tiger > lion
speed bear << tiger < lion
I hate to see the fight over who rides shotgun with these three.
I hate computer generated voice narration
the picture of the lion with the nose is heartbreaking.
Easier to make friends while young, as you do not have much burden to carry around yet…
that so nice
Thanks, Siri. That was touching.
Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh my!
I hope whoever has these animals get punishment.
This really puts a new twist on Lions, Tigers and Bears oh my..
one critism. I think they're being over Fed. and don't really have enough space to burn off calories.
not to sound offensive towards the three but as cub young n sick will it make a difference when each heal and see that the something perhaps wrong and instincts kick in and perhaps hurt one another though I hope to see that friendship bond well and love the name where they are kept open space and taken care Thanks you for this video and most the rescue!!!!
goes to show how well animals can co-exist wish humans could do even a little of this
The more I learn of Gods creatures the more I dislike people, at least those who treat His creatures so abomanabaly.
love this nice end to a horrible start for these poor animals.Pity about the robotic voice
Amazing video,i hope they all live a long and happy life together………????
my wife and i consider noahs ark kind of our home away from home and go there every chance we get . sorry to say the blt is now only a bt we lost leo sometime last year do to illness . i cant remember exactly what but he had been sick a couple weeks when he passed . he will be missed greatly. this is the nature of animal sanctuaries i guess . they dont get the healthiest animals many times so they lose a good number of them . we thank them for what they do and we hope they are around for a long time to come.
They're so fat wth
What a lovely sanctuary the kinder side of mankind looking after them till the end of their days, can see them still being all together on the other side ?✨
Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My
It's wonderful these people took them in. That has got to be one huge task.
R.I.P Lion
bloated animals
leo? they dont know Simba? smh
that's bec they grew up togrther. i guess being a family goes beyond DNA,fur, species… it's about who u feel like home with. ok, now im emotional.
A lion, a tiger & a bear oh my!
I hate computerized voices. Great video of the 3 pals, though.
even siri cant cheer me up rn
baloo kahn and, and nala! finally settled théyre dîfferences aawhh 😀
Exotic and dangerous and/or endangered animals should NEVER be sold as 'pets' or status symbols.
Animals are better than people
if they weren't neutered it would be a awful sight