These dogs in snow are amazig! You will laugh out loud while watching this 🙂 Just look how all these dogs and puppies behave, play, fail, make funny sounds, react to different things,… So ridiculous, funny and cute! What is your favorite clip? 🙂 Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos!
“Monkeys Spinning Monkeys” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
The content in this compilation is licensed through our agreement with Collab network. Music in this compilation is free or just needs to be attributed in video description.
RAT on a RESCUE MISSION through AWESOME MAZE HOUSE, AMAZING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djeNM_QfQKc
you throw a dog like that in the snow in front of me I kill u straight talk
1:04 – 1:26 How can those dog do that? Amazing
I'm watching this in the middle of SUMMER and it's 30 celsius out.
The praportion of snow to dog is beautiful
Now I'm sad that I live in a tropical climate! 🙁
You are rare if you can read this:
2:41 that’s my parents house
I live in Minnesota and we have like 3 feet of snow in our yard which is taller than my dog. We throw snowballs for her and she runs and tries to get them all in 3 feet of snow and she never wants to stop! A dog can handle snow. They were originally bread from wolves who live outside all the time. They may not be as well suited as wolves but they are able to handle cold temperatures for a good duration of time without any harm done to them; as compared to a human who can get frostbite within a short duration of time when temperatures are super low (i would think below zero but thats like every day in Minnesota lol). So yeah that dog thrown in the snow is fine just probably a little chilly.
I'm disappointed at all of these owners abusing their animals and allowing for them to play in snow. You wouldn't let your children play in snow so you shouldn't subject your dogs to it. Sad. Let's start a petition…..dog owners should bot be allowed to let their dogs have fun. It's cruel and you all know it
My Dog and Snow 2019
My frenchie just saw snow for the first time, he was so calm lol, check out my vlog?
A nice compilation, for another nice and funny compilation, go to https://youtu.be/pVqaBotFPpI
It’s sad to see some of them aren’t nice
3:36 – What's the music?
Love This!
I just got a new dog today he 12 weeks part black lab we don’t know what else
For all you crybabies who think this is animal abuse, stop trying to be the hero, as youre really not. You are just being annoying. Go educate yourself and leave
Dogs in powdery snow having fun: XD
Dogs wearing booties or walking on the front paws: XD
People dropping their tiny dogs into the snow: :/
Dogs sliding on ice: :/
Dogs crashing into things: OUCH! Poor puppies!
Is dogs having fun with snow animal Abuse?
the ones where the dogs roll down remind me of a park Idkw it makes me want to do that bc of that but I cant. Danger
NO snow
( there still is snow where we are though )
Help your dog's if they hit a tree I put a thumbs down
Find the odd one out
I promise there is an odd one out. Just look with your eyes.(hint)
Just mean, may think it is funny snd harmless. I bet it would not be funny if the animal owner was thrown in the snow MINUS the coats and boots. The only dogs that might like it are those with thick coat, huskies, malamutes.
Jeju, jakie te psu są słodkie i zabawne. ??
5:22 ???
Hay algún latino aquí?
Pobres sitos
6:00 Ya that was a lot fun, let me see you smash your head into a tree you dumb b
OmG tHiS iS aNiMaL aBuSe StOp It!!!!!!
Dogs are such derpy meme animals in winter
아니 무슨강아지를장난감으로 보나..씨 눈에다가 강아지를 던지면 어쩌자는거야…! 작작 합니다
진심으로 이런영상 존나 질색;;;
The doggy at 1:06 has the same boots as my boy haha
In 4:31 the dog is like why mom! Help me please! I have to deal with this uhhhhh!
One time I boiled a bunny alive using a coffee mug and a Keurig.
I'd say the clue is in the wagging tail.
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