5 ghosts caught on CCTV. From a centuries old ghostly drummer boy to a spooky face peering from a window, join us as we take a look at 5 real ghosts caught on tape. http://bit.ly/Channel_Subscribe
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#1 has been debunked, it's from a Malaysian horror movie called "Bangunan Movie", directed by Khir Rahman and Sein Qudsi.
There was a CCTV camera below the person who shot the video. Someone was looking at that camera saw the same thing and manually turned the other CCTV camera around hoping to get a better view.
i guess i watched almost all your videos in two days. i don't know how i can sleep though. Thank you
That's creepy
In the last one, right as the tables slide to the door and the woman moves to the back of the room and starts to pass out, I noticed a shadow in the corner of the screen and move off Camera
○=women □=tables ●=shadow |=edge of screen vew
| ○ |
I don't believe the first video is real. I've seen that same ghost, moving the same way in apartments in another video.
When I was a child. I used to have a ghost of a child come through my window every night and we used to chat
Umm creepiest thing is the CCTV camera that turns around when it senses motion and looks right into your damn windows!
lol! like ghosts don't have better things to do!
why is my Lamborghini in all of this
Number 2 is honestly kind of funny? it looks like the ghost is just waving his arm around randomly
I love this logo so much better than the new 1.change it back 2 this bro.
0:45 probably just a poster or something to scare people
1:27 this is what happens when you do not leave 15% tip
mother fucker
Last one is from a film, and was also recycled in another one of you're videos x.x
Another creepy episode I watch as the clock hits midnight hot dam what is the addiction we people have to the ghost world
Bro if chills had this type of background music ??
omg no way
Heh this is so weird..
1st is obviously fake, camera pamt too obvious
Bloomin adverts
Can’t these ghosts do housework..all they do is mess things up
I made my Starship the USS slapped ham
There is lot of possibilites you can do vith films and cameras… How should ghostmovies done on public screen or TV ???
#5 are the projector things you can buy for Halloween decoration's. iv'e seen a ton.
no 2 looks like an insect leg on the lens
this is fake
why are these security cameras moving about,wobbling from side to side ,up and down…surely they should be solid pics with no movement??
The last video was never debunked. It is a true poltergeist experience for this traumatized lady that looks as if she past out.
That’s an old lady looking out her window ?
Are ghosts fully conscious or part conscious, or just energy repeating itself?.
1:28 This is kinda cool……after the plate flew of the table you can see that the table tillts just a tiny bit….like someone was leaning on it to get up…..you can see it better on fullscreen
What if ghosts are harmless I mean we do fear what we do t understand
was that last one filmed on a boat at sea
so the cameras can just record in peoples windows and nobody says a thing? wtf?
No 1 has been debunked it’s from a Asian horror film promotion.
What did the commentator said @02:35??? What he captured is truely … >>>stabeling<<<? Sorry i am from Germany and i don't understand what he said! :))) But that white shadow long "arm" looks really really creepy, oh shit horrirfied, now i can't sleep without thinking of this scary weired long "arm"
If I had a big ass cctv camera pointing right in my window I would rip it down
Haaa haa nice editing.
.i just..dislike ur video..bro..
Ni falthu ga
No. 1 was already debunked .
Slapping my ham
Mainly ghosts are not exist all are fake
No.4 was on my 6th BD!
Good old slapped ham 🙂