“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ♥
– Mahatma Gandhi
An animal rescue group or animal rescue organization is dedicated to pet adoption.
These groups take unwanted, abandoned, abused, or stray pets and attempt to find
suitable homes for them. Many rescue groups are created by and run by volunteers,
who take the animals into their homes and care for them — including training,
playing, handling medical issues, and solving behavior problems — until a suitable
permanent home can be found.
►Rescue groups exist for most pet types (reptile rescue, rabbit rescue or bird
rescue), but are most common for dogs and cats. For animals with many breeds,
rescue groups may specialize in specific breeds or groups of breeds. For example,
there might be local Labrador Retriever rescue groups, hunting dog rescue groups,
large-dog rescue groups, as well as general dog rescue groups.
Animal rescue organizations have also been created to rescue and rehabilitate wild
animals in inhumane situations, such as lions, tigers, and cheetahs. Many
organizations are dedicated to saving wild animals that are used as sources of
income in zoos, circuses, and other cruel circumstances.
Widely recognized as an umbrella organization for animal rescue groups,
Petfinder.org is an online, searchable database of more than 13,000 shelters and
adoption agencies across the United States, Canada and Mexico. The American Kennel
Club maintains a list of contacts, primarily within breed clubs, with information
on breed rescue groups for purebred dogs in the United States.
Animal shelters often work closely with rescue groups, because shelters that have
difficulty placing otherwise healthy and pet-worthy animals would usually rather
have the animal placed in a home than euthanized; while shelters might run out of
room, rescue groups can often find volunteers with space in their homes for
temporary placement. Some organizations (such as Old Dog Haven) work with older
animals whose age would likely cause them to be euthanized in county pounds. Each
year, approximately 3-4 million cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters due to
overcrowding and a shortage of foster homes.
►In the United Kingdom, both shelter and rescue organisations are described using
the blanket term rescue, whether they have their own premises, buy in accommodation
from commercial kennels, or operate a network of foster homes, where volunteers
keep the animals in their homes until adoption.
Kennels that have a council contract to take in stray dogs are usually referred to
as dog pounds. Some dog pounds also carry out rescue and rehoming work and are
effectively rescue groups that operate a pound service. Some rescue groups work
with pounds to move dogs to rescues. By law, a dog handed in as a stray to a UK
pound must be held for seven days before it can be rehomed or euthanized.
►Widely recognized animal rescue organizations :
♥ Animal Aid Unlimited, India
♥ Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel
♥ Vet Ranch
♥ Animal Rescue Corps
♥ H.O.M.E Animal Rescue
♥ Furkids Animal Rescue and Shelters
♥ International Animal Rescue IAR
♥ the Dodo
♥ Wildlife Aid
♥ The Humane Society of the United States
♥ AMA Animal Rescue
♥ Sezar Sanctuary
♥ World Animal Awareness Society
♥ Cordylobia Anthropophaga
How is he now?
Why do enyone have dogs like this in a chain all day long, the own of this dog's schuld get the same put him in a chaine and let him live on Euro pallet all day him self, fucking idiot's.
Pq estão acorrentados? Não parece felizes! Desculpe o meu comentário ??
Why you keep those dogs chained ???? everyone has right to lead a free life , u are a rescue team you has no right to keep them in chain ….. I think so…. I know you are rescued street dogs and give them a new life bt some has spending a free life nd some are not ,this is very heartbreaking ..
No me gusta verlos amarrados pobresitos sueltenlo por favor
gracias Dios ?bendga????????❣
Have you taken the dog to vet or not. If you taken to vet definitely you will show it. I guess not given treatment to the dog
얼마나 아프고 힘들었을까 아가야 매정한 인간새끼들 아는척좀 해서 먹을거좀 나뉘주지
Why all these dogs were chained ? Why. There’s no rescuing the dogs ?
Bendiciones a los rescatadores. Dios premiará su amor a éstos pobrecillos indefensos.
Mostram um monte de cachorros, mas eu só quero saber daquele
Se preocupam mais em prolongar o vídeo p ganhar bem
É vcs ficam filmando ao invés de socorrer o animal logo
Que tristeza meudeus esses animais acorrentados é uma ONG que eu saiba não pode viver assim nem um animal merece e isso é um abisurdo
Take them to the vet?!!
hhhh.No.Please help.!!
Não adianta ter um monte de cachorros e sem qualidade de vida! Coloquem pra adoção!
Cachorros em correntes? Isso é crime!
Gente não tô entendendo esse monte de animais presos e sem cuidados! Como assim!
Wie kann man sowas übersehen ?????????die Menschheit ist krausam ??????
Dejenlos libres sin cadenas
Porfavor quitenles las cadenas