In today’s video I try to catch the peacock bass in the abandoned pool and discover he is hiding in a secret drain! I then headed out to the pond to catch some bass, snakeheads, and other fish and accidentally hooked a snapping turtle!
Have you ever hooked a turtle while fishing?
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Its just a snapping turtle?
If u love bass fishing this is blue ??
I am gifting my next 100 subscribers
I caught a turtle that was bigger than my net and it was an average size net and it was a normal one I'm not quite sure but mine looked bigger hard to tell cuz that's on video
It looks like a common snapping turtle the alligator snapping turtles going to have ridges on its shell and be a lot bigger
Alligator snapper ?
Can u plz go back and catch the peacock
Hey man just started watching when u did the pool vid, and so far I love all the content I'm definitely subscribing
That's such a sick spinning rodz
which brand is that?
He is a common sapping turtle. You can tell by two ways. One way is the nose goes out farther than a common snapping turtle. And alligator snapping turtles don't stretch their necks they sit at the bottom of a pond or lake and wait for the fish to swim right into his mouth. P.S. watch coyote Peterson.
Its just a common snapping turtle
A regular snapping turtle
That's a common snapping turtle, alligator snappers have a more parrot like beak while common snappers have a cookie cutter type beak.
2K in one day??? Wow!!!!!!
Amazing vid im in siesta key southwestern florida i snagged an alligator and i nearly died love the content
yes it is alagater turtle
Sick video! Hooked into a snapping turtle myself yesterday
Such a dope video!
Young'un you're a hoot!
2:24 that scared the crap out of me..???
6:42 can imagine that thing charging tours you..?
That turtle is an alligator snapping turtle
It’s just a common regular snapping turtle. We have the same ones in Manitoba Canada and I’m pretty sure everywhere else in Canada to. That one there is a baby I’ve seen them much bigger.
alligator snapping turtle exactly what that is
I caught one exactly the same on a rat l trap bluegill design
It is a sap in turtle
hey me and my cousin love your videos can you give me and judgemental fishing a shoutout
hes an aligator snapping turtle
I subbed And put on post notifications! Love the channel.
I AM SUBing TO EVERYone WHo LIKes THis COMMEnt And SUBs To ME!!!✊?
Its a common snaping turtle or as u call it a regular snaping turtle
It is absolutely a common whoever (in the comments) thinks that’s an alligator snapper google it not even close
American alligator snapping turtle you probably should have grabbed it by its tail and taken the hook out manually because if you hold on to there tail tight theh will not and can not bite you.
When you went to the abandoned house with fish in he pool that is when I subscribed and hit the notification bell
Hey bass fishing production love all your videos and content and that is a common snapping turtle a alligator snapping turtle would have a much larger head and its shelled would be almost pointy and again always love your content .
That’s s alligator snapping turtle I know bc me and my friend caught one
I just subscribed yesterday, and I already love this channel.
Hey man big fan!
Sup I’m a fan of ur videos❤️