join us as we count down the top 10 real ghost videos on the internet 2016 – real footage of ghosts captured on film, if you have a ghost video you would like to submit to our youtube and website Paranormal Magazine then please email it us, via this URL: http://www.project-reveal.com/ghost-videos-2016/4591396562
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The Anguished Man:This painting truly captivates me , I honestly think it is a Impression or post impressionist painter. it was not uncommon for artist to use blood as a mix for the oils . I do not think this painting is scary , call me crazy . it has a over tone of the Scream by artist Edvard Munch , and it also looks like Very early works, of another painter of this era . I do think this is why the grandmother kept it she knew it had value . haunted eh, no .. and what is the little light next to it on the bed ? it looks to get lighter as the smear goes across the stream .Great video compilation .
Great video!
I subbed to ya doll!
♡♡♡♡sub to me♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡sub 2 GONJAGROWINGIRL:-):-):-):-):-):-):-)
this ghostess are scary
when the lady asks "do you want Lee to lick the bowl?" I hear cock & then head just after. some people call people a cockhead as an insult if u listen it says it a few times afterwards too the guy male voice even says it at one point.
Big FAKE!!!!!!
One of the worst ghost compilations I've ever seen. terrible
CLIPS FROM 2016..???
Video on 9.20 can see Charlene but not that guy and by does ghost sound like from bad recording . Fake shit
Im not even sure if this is meant to be funny?
This scared the living shit out of me
the first i meant
this one fake. but the picture reminds me of a face on the mirror I saw. is creepy.
Wow..That was freaking amazzzzz snore..
3:32 I'd hit it.
First vid…holy shit, he captured someone in their underwear walking fast past the camera! Second vid…holy shit, a bug! Third, something fell off a shelf…holy shit! Slay utterly over the radio…holy shit!
I love it
right up til 7:40, pretty impressive captures on some of those videos
Don't press play waste of time
that's a person
Ghosts of dead people are demons on disguise to lure people away from God. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" HEBREWS 9:27 KJV Time is short before the rapture. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Know and believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and sins of the world shed his blood and rose from the grave on the third day and went back to heaven to prepare a place. Turn away from your sins and admit your a sinner, confess and repent of your sins and ask forgiveness and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Saviour. God will forgive your sins and after you get saved keep on asking forgiveness when you sinned.