Superhuman person or alien saves a man on a motorbike from complete destruction by teleporting him a few meters away in less than a second, and then flees the scene as quickly as possible. A few observations from the footage:
The truck driver swerves to his left at the last second slightly and leaves dark skid marks behind.
The spot the motorbike man is teleported from, there is a dark round imprint left on the road and the same around the new position which both gradually fade away after a few seconds (while the skid marks remain). The truck driver can be observed looking at the dark ring closest to him in confusion, as it fades away (he looks right at this spot). Also, he doesn’t know whether to go and apologise to the motorbike man because he isn’t sure if it’s who he thought he was about to run over, so he wanders around dazed (most likely questioning his own sanity).
The superhuman person (teleporter/jumper) seems to have rather large hands which appear unusually bright white (unless wearing gloves) and is quick to put them in pockets while fleeing the scene. Why flee the scene so quickly? The superhuman could be afraid of being different / rejection from society and so does not want recognition for the heroic act. Or perhaps the hoody is hiding a distinct alien appearance.
The motorbike man sits on the kerb totally bewildered (in shock) trying to figure out where he went and how he survived and ended up safely behind the truck with a random person in a hoody by his side.
The superhuman person likely does not say a word to either of the men, and does not want to acknowledge the intervention at all.
The mysterious hooded figure leaves the scene in a similar direction to whence it came when first bursting on to the scene, which is consistent.
These are just some thoughts I thought I’d throw out there! Enjoy the video!
Teleportation caught on captured CCTV China Asia Superhuman Alien Extraterrestrial Super hero Superhero mutant magic UFO 2012 Awesome amazing epic strange cool bizarre aliens hidden forces work divine intervenion saves life invisibility cloak speed security camera footage paranormal spiritual crash van imminent death
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It's flying raijin techniques????
i love destroy your dreams
It’s fake. Take note the tricycle and superman’s shadow in front of the truck. It should be longer. Furthermore, the shadows should have different angles.
lolx i hate you
i know this woman hahaha!!!
Был бы признателен,просто я встречал подобное,хотелось бы узнать поближе
Кто знает,есть ли подобные видео?
This is science fiction il certenaly
fake fake 🙂
Same thing happened to me on my motorcycle
I would say this is fake but the problem is all the shadows add up
Did the two Chinese guys was interviewed by this incident? Where are they now?
How to chew 5 gum
The seconds are changed from 7 to 14 and then from 14 to 26 wow I think this is a time traveler who used a time travel teacnology and another teacnology will make him or her fast to save that men
Divino, bello!!! ??????❤️
fake video.
the dude thinked
dude:help me im die
superhuman: hold my beer
girl power hahaha
卧槽,这是什么东西啊? 我在中国怎么从来没听说过,感觉亦假亦真
Weird part is of you look at the time it happens at 12:03.33am
storm spirit.. zipzap..
God saved him .Love you god
You can see that accident time 3:33 that is angel no
have a little observation if anyone cares:
This was got speed up…because it is impossible to take that kind of swerves to the left and back to straight without crushing…and it is also impossible at that speed to be able to stop at so much short distance like just few meters we can still see the truck displayed in the cam…if it was at that displayed speed we saw in this video "excluding the swerves he took which would cause him to crash"…the truck would be fully stopped at like 15-20 meters down the street we wouldn't be still able to see it in the camera. So once we understand that it was speed it, the rest was computer work.cheerz.
Iz!!!!!! Quick sliver from Xman. Yes he is
unbelievabale God Jesus bless you
It’s fake btw
Can you edit my video also?
This isnt super speed its teleportion
The way it walked like a woman
To all people that was not fake ?
Edhi fake video hey you channel manager you are simple bitch
bruh that was on my Birthday
dam I forgot about this video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcCI9vhpYY8 i see here face
Its an angel
"There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people."
may b he was an angel.. or supernatural thing,who help people..