Jack and Geoff present the 41st episode of Fails of the Weak. Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2wf5zPJ
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The funniest and wackiest fails every week.
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Fails of the Weak: Ep. 41 – Funny Halo 4 Bloopers and Screw Ups! | Rooster Teeth
My favorite fail is where those players are messing with the vending machines and the last guy shoots it and causes Geoff to lose it. I cant remember which one, someone help me. But this one made me laugh hella at the end.
0:54 or make a baby
I miss the good ole days of waiting for these to come out every week
Fails of the Weak: ep. 41 – Jack Keeps Calling Everything a Ghost
3:15 that red guy is me again!
Left handers for the win.
wtf, it says halo 4 fails, but its halo reach fails!!!???!?!?!
God i wish this series was still going
How to make babies with an elite
1:16 listen closely… you can hear “awwww”
If a spartan and elite had sex what would the baby look like
I'm left handed
Are they still doing the series? I have a double fail involving multiple glitches
3:51 What are these Halo Reach wormholes, lol
2.35 Hyerk….Blerg
Anyone watching in 2017?
the red guy was me
Jack and Geoff always make me LOL
that last one has happened to me so many times lol
Teabag fail? GG NO RE
this halo reach not halo 4
That last guy must have been Chuck Norris… Only Chuck Norris can punch someone across time and space.
I just realized that the first ever Rooster Teeth video I watched was Halo Fails of the Week. And I just noticed that now